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"We're here."

"How did you know you didn't even look ahead

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"How did you know you didn't even look ahead." Izuku questioned.

"My mother's quirk was barrier she could put a barrier around something and it can even stay their when she's dead." y/n explained. "She can also make certain people sense the barrier like me, that's why I knew you walked in, but I just don't know how." She finished.

"That makes sense, are you ready." Izuku asked.

"No." y/n answered back clearly afraid. Then she felt something in her hand.

"Don't be afraid, we can hold hands if you want." Izuku asked, and y/n nodded in response.

They took their first steps out of the forest, and once y/n was out she felt a cool breeze flow by her. It was so much different then from the time 3 years ago, she felt free this time.

"I-izuku, i-it's amazing!" She yelled, letting go of his hand and looking around. "You said you live near here I wanna see it!" She said, grabbing his hand so he could lead her.

As they hold hands walking to Izuku's house, they walk by some people. And y/n immediately gets frightened and hold Izuku's arm, causing him to blush madly.

"O-oh I'm sorry i-it's just a h-habit for when I get scared." y/n quickly let go.

"N-no I didn't really mind!" Izuku rubbed his nape. "W-we're here!" He said opening the door.

"Wow it's so different!" y/n spun around admiring the place. She then tried to find his room. "Is this your room?" She asked walking into the room.

"No no no!" He blocked her. "Don't go in there." He made an X with his hands.

"Why not?" She asked as she flew over him into the room. "Is this the All Might man you talk about all the time?" She asked looking at his entire room.

"Oh gosh please let's just go."

"But I want to know more about All Might person that you're so obsessed with."

"Please no."


y/n and Izuku were currently at a supermarket looking for ingredients to cook new things. Luckily for y/n to super market wasn't crowded at all, so she could look around as much as she wanted.

"Izuku what's this?" She asked pointed at the mouth watering food. "It smells so good." She sniffed.

"Haha, it's gyoza." Izuku answered, walking up next to her. "Do you want some?"

"If that's okay with you?" She asked.

"Of course." He said buying some of them. "Here." He gave her one as the walked away from the vendor, payed for the food and out of the store.

Izuku then grabbed y/n hand, causing both of them to blush.

"W-wh-" she stuttered.

"I just d-didn't want you to get lost, or trail away from me." He made an excuse.

"Oh..." she said slightly disappointed, and she had no idea why.

They then both heard rustling and and noises from the bush behind them. They turned around and saw nothing so ignored it.

She then took a gyoza from the box and eat it. To her it felt like angels were dancing on her tongue. Causes Izuku to notice the sparkles in her eyes.

They then walked to the nearest bench to enjoy the food.

"Izuku you gotta try this NOW." y/n said picking up one and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Mmmhhh" Izuku hummed in delight.

"I gotta save some for the kids." y/n said.

"Yeah, they'd love it." Izuku said, finishing the the food in his mouth.

"THE KIDS?!" A girl with pink hair and skin yelled.

few minutes earlier

Mina was currently shopping at the market with Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, and Denki to see if they have glow in the dark hot sauce. (Don't ask why) When she saw a familiar green haired boy with a girl in a familiar outfit.

"Oh my gosh you guys look Izuku's with a girl" Mina squealed in exitment.

"WHAT?! Let me see." Denki putting the put the hot sauce down sprinting to Mina.

"Look and that the same outfit he asked me to help him choose for someone special." Mina whispered peeking her head through the shelf.

"No way." Sero laughed as he looked from behind Denki.

"He's so manly." Kirishima smiled from beside him.

"Move." Bakugou pushed their heads out of the way to get a better view. "That's it." Bakugou has about to walk up to Izuku.

"Wait Bakugou." Mina stepped infront of him. "We gotta spy on him first and get some intel."

"Speaking like a true hero Mina." Sero fist bumped her. "C'mon their leaving." Sero said, making the rest of them follow closely behind.

They followed Izuku and the girl closely and attentively, Bakugou cleary was the only one who didn't want to do this. But was clearly forced... Justice for Bakugou😞...

"Look look look!" Mina hit Denki on the arm multiple times. "Their holding hands!" She squealed.

"Gosh mean stop hitting me!" Denki whisper-yelled from behind a bush. "I can CLEARLY see them!"

"Wait shush Denki they're looking our way." Mina covered Denki's mouth with her hands.

"Okay broccoli head and pretty girl are on the move." Sero whispered, trailing them from behind.

They follow Izuku and the unknown girl all the way the to the benches and stare at them from the bushes.

"Awww look she stuffed a gyoza in his mouth." Mina awwed.

"So manly." Kirishima said, tapping his chest and shaking his head.

"I gotta save some for the kids." The girl said.

After they heard her say that they all looked at each other with confused and shocked faces. Even Bakugou was shocked and he wasn't interested in this situation.

"Hold up, let's see what Midoriya says first." Kirishima said, stopping Mina from exploding.

"There's no way the class ain't knowing about this." Denki then pulled out his phone, took a picture and captioned it 'Midoriya on a date' put the location, and sent it to the class group chat.

"Yeah, they'd love it." Izuku responded, finally Mina burst and jump out of the bushes.

"THE KIDS?!" Mina yelled.

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