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"Y-you find my ears... delightfully charming or attractive?"

Izuku stared at y/n processing what she had just said

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Izuku stared at y/n processing what she had just said. And when he realizing what she said his face bursted into a million different shades of red.

"W-well y-yes, I mean you are attractive! W-wait I-I d-didn't mean like that I mean your e-ears! Nevermind that sounded really odd..." Izuku waved his hands, embarrassed of what he was saying, y/n then giggled at him. "Huh?" Izuku asked, confused about the situation.

"You don't have to worry because I find you name very enchanting too!" y/n smiled. "Izuku Midoriya so enchanting." she said as she looked up at the stars.

"The stars are really pretty tonight." y/n said.

"Yeah, they are." Izuku smiled, while looking at y/n.


"Is this how I do it?"

"Yeah, but you have to keep it firm."

"Ooh okay like this?"

"Yeah that perfect!"

Izuku was currently showing y/n how to make onigiri's, he was leaving to go back to school soon so that meant he couldn't come to the forest anymore. Which also meant we couldn't show y/n and the rest anything anymore since we would be back at the dorms and couldn't leave.

"NooOOooO!" y/n yelled in frustration, as her onigiri fell apart. "H-how do you do it?!" she said as she took the perfect onigiri out of Izuku's hand and bit it.

"And it takes good!" she said as she chewed to food. " It's so good, why!" She whined as she continued to eat the onigiri.

"I-I just practice a lot, and i'm sure you'll get it to." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "And I'm sure yours doesn't taste so bad!" He said picking up her broken onigiri and eating it.

"Is it good!?" She asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"I-it's something alright." Izuku said nervously trying not to hurt her feelings. She watch as Izuku tried to swallow the food but failed miserably and spat it out in the trash.

"I knew it..." y/n said gloomily. "I'll just have to work ten times harder!" She said punching the air.

"Yeah that's the spirit!" Izuku said punching the air with her.


The next day Izuku came back to find a y/n's siblings staring at her on the ground with onigiri's in her hand.

"Izuku, Izuku!" Yammi ran up to Izuku once she saw him. "You have to help y/n!" She cried pulling on his shirt.

"W-what happen?!" Izuku asked walking up to y/n and bending down to look at her face.

"She's been making onigiri's and since you left, and she hasn't even had any sleep!" Kaji said showing Izuku more of the onigiri's.

"I think she's died!" Hana cried, pointing to y/n's pale face. Which resulting in making the rest of them cry.

"D-don't worry!" Izuku said touching her forehead. "She's just sick, I know she hasn't slept but has she been eating to get this sick?" Izuku asked, staring at y/n's dull face.

"ONIGIRI'S!!" They all yelled in union.

"O-oh yeah, I should've thought of that..." Izuku said, picking y/n up bridal styling. "How did you all not know she was sick?" He asked as they walked back to the house.

"y/n never get's sick, or at least we've never seen her sick." Hana said, her twin nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, she's always taking care of us when were sick so we don't know how to take care of someone when their sick." Emi said, looking sad.

"This one time we all went for a swim when it was really cold even though y/n said no and we all ended up getting really sick." Kaji looked up recalling that memory. "And she took care of all of us at once." He said.

"She's a super sister!" Hoka threw is tiny hands in the air.

"Yeah so let us help you take care of her please!" Yammi said. They all gave him puppy dog eyes. And Izuku couldn't resist the cuteness.

"Okay, okay." Izuku gave in. As he walked into y/n room and laid her on the bed.

"Let's see how this will go." Izuku said, turning around to look at y/n's younger siblings.

[Special guest: Onigiri]

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