No-No-No stop crying, pleaz!

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Chapter eleven ! :

After that family drama at home , and a perfect way to wake up , i would love to stay at home , watching a romantic movie with a sad endining and keep play it over and over , and cry all time without any reason..! But i do have a test today in english and math, i didn't revise anything, PERFECT THEN ...!

it's 8:30  , and defenttly i wouln't go to class right now, i will just wait for the second hour, i have english, i didn't have the time to think of him, about last night, about how lovely he was, and of been now his friend, but defently i don't have the time for this shit right now.All i need is silence, coffee, music , and an extremist place to relax my brain. I walk straight to the back yard obverse the sport square, it's too silence here , no one around , i put my headphones and play on the music, Dounia can't stop texting me, she's worry about me, but i really do not have the gaze to answear right now , i am trying so hard to forget what happened this morning , and once i remmember i start crying , keep crying over and over...! But wait..! i am not just crying about the family problem, actually i am crying because of all The Shit i am in right now.. Stress , fake people , allot of work , personel problems, no Boyfriend , No caring...!

i am just setting her , looking to the ground, i still do have half an hour before the bell rang, i am putting my hands on my cheeks, once i cry , once i forget ..! i felt that somone is coming to my place , i didn't borrow  any attention , But waiit!! Someone is putting his hand on my back...! i directly took off my headphones..!

" Hey..! i saw you from there , are you okay?! "  the british accent said.

 i raised my eyes and....! WTF!! what's he doing here? should i tell him the story?!! Shiiiiiiiiit!! defenttly he will ask alot of questions , and my make up?!! i look like a zombie because of the crying ...!

" Shiiiii- Sorry for the bad word , pleaz leave me alone , i need some space" i say while wiping my tears.

" Whaat???? are you crying!! Gosh! what's wrong" .he say while sitting next to me.

" Leave me alone pleaz , i don't have the gaze to meet enyone and deffently i don't want talk , it's not just you , sorry " i say while getting up , he directly took my hand and set me over..! 

" Defenttly i wouln't let you go , i am beggin pleaz , tell me what's wrong " . he say while looking directly to my eyes , still holding my hand , " You are shaking." he add.

"'s a family P-problem..! " i say. Daamn it i am crying again, and in front of him .

" No - No - No stop crying ,pleaz, it's too hard  for me " he say while wiping my tears.

OMG i can't bealive thiiiiis, he is holding my hand , wiping my tears , For god's sake!!! what's thaaat!!

" Come on let's take you out off here". he add while collecting my stufs.

" Where?!! " i say with a confused tone.

" To nowhere " He say .

" What? No...! Bu-  i can-...." i say , " Are you coming or not?!! " , He say while cutting my speech .

Defently i should say yes, beacause i am feeling right now that his gaze is getting worse, i am just following him and i think he is going straight to the parking , is he taking me to his car? where are we going?! NO IDEA!! don't say that we are going to spend the rest of the day together!! NO WAY!

" I have a class with you now, i think we have test , what are you doing?! " i say .

" Like you are seeing, we will spend the day out " he say with a little smile . " together " he add.

" B-.... Your work..!! " i say.

" I DON'T CARE!! " he say . " i want to spend the rest of the day close to you , to know you more , and to make you feel better , because you have no idea how i felt when i saw you crying." he say while looking at me.

" i have no words, why you are doing all that? " i say.

" it just i do..! Just smile , it's all what i need to my day complete " he say with a big smile.

Helllooo again :D this is a new chapter!!! what's gona happen in the rest of the day? :D 

ummm? things changed allot!!! i mean allot

see you again

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