Chapter one

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 As always, i wake up at that kitchen noise, deffently it's mom making the break-fast, but do you know what? it doesn't bother me waking up this way.It's a good signe that ther's a fabulous table waiting for me down stairs.I took around 10 minuts looking at the mirror trying to find a solution who to fix this freaky hair and this dark circles down my eyes...Late nights must be paied in mornings. After changing from a Zombie to a normal teenager i took some cookies in my pocket and my cars key in my hand...School, am coming.   

I must pass at my friend Dou,ops shouldn't say"friend",she's like my soulmate ,my sister, she was there for me in my worst periods, she shared with me the bad and the good, she's seen all the darkness i have in my heart but still, she never let me down.

*"Mornings girl,ready for the big day? ".I say with a big smile, she knows what i am planning for, i've always waited hight school for new goals. Join clubs, have a crew, a new car but the important thing...Try to forget that stupid selfish ex man. Oh sorry not a "man", he was just a "kid" .

*"Love,i missed you".She replied with a smile meaning "Are ready to achieve your goals?".

It's 7:45 a-m, not late...weird.I see some crews,talking all over with smiles.Fake or real? too soon to judg.Oh please,have you ever noticed that couples stuck to each other? like girl,he's not going fly, he's just a man.We all know he's yours, no need to be this stupid with all these efforts to show us how stupid you are.I check my phone and i see two messages.

«Have a nice day bae »- Ex- Like are you serious? Go to hell .

"Am just at your right...Save me ! "-Wass- I raise my head trying to look for her. after a long search i finally recognise her, she was with Kader,another ex story. He spent the whol summer trying to fix his fault, but what's the point of fixing a heart already broken?

10minuts laters.

*"Girls, i have a statement". I say, Dou and Wass stop walking and give me wierd looks." Am hungry". I add with a smile, " But first, Wich class i am ?".

*"Well...I have a statement too, WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME CLASS!". Dou shouts while hugging us.

« No way!Is this a joke » Wass adds with big eyes.

The bell rang so we all walk straight to the class.I walk while discovering hight school.Am i that wierd? why every one keeps giving me this look " She's new, she's new" or "Look what is she wearing".I was simple with black jeans and black hight school with a pink over size t-shirt. What's the wierd on that? 

The caridors are getting less and less of students. « Wher are my friends?Why should i always be late even if i am note in basics? B32...B32".I murmur.

*«Someone truly need a help».A british accent asks me,i raise my head and then...All i see is a tall man around 24 years old, charming with that 2-3 days barbe, white perfect teeth and that black hair.Goal one achieved...He's mine.But isn't little bit old for hight school? Something is wrong, but nothing kept this feeling,this heart beat...What's happening to me?

*" Umm..I me...I mean yeah".I say with red face.

*"Go straight then turn left." He says."You are late". He adds with a smile in the corner.

Haven't the chance to thank him while he directly walked away.Lucky me because if i spent 2 minuts with him i would propably convens to him my love.

I walk straight to B32.Standing at the door i breath deeply trying to prepare my self to the looks waiting for me inside."The new late girl". I knock at the door and then...



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