1: July 14th, 1991

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I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I tilted my head to look across the room at my sister, Luna, who was in an identical position on her bed. Our bedroom was on the top floor of our house and we had a circular skylight in the ceiling. Whenever we wanted, we could prop up a ladder and climb through it onto the roof. I suppose our house was considered rather odd, but I loved it. It was tall and circular and around looked very much like the castle piece that one used while playing chess. We called it the Rook Nook. All of the rooms were circular with a hole in the middle of the floor. Through the hole was a rickety spiral staircase leading to the other levels of our house.

I returned my gaze to the skylight. Although Luna and I were twins, we weren't identical. She took after our father with her wild blond hair and fair skin. I took after my mother. Our mother wasn't around anymore. She'd been experimenting, just messing around when a spell went horribly wrong. Luna and I were in the room when she fell dead on the floor. We were only nine years old.

I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard a tapping on the window. A large, brown, unfamiliar owl was hovering outside, two scrolls tied to his leg.

"I'll get it," I rolled off my bed and walked over to the window. I unlatched it and the owl fluttered in, perching on top of the dresser. He held out his leg for me and I untied the letters. The owl hooted, circled the room, and then soared back through the window.

"Who's it from?" Luna was still lying on her bed. I flipped the scrolls over to see the wax seal, and my stomach twisted.

"Luny, it's from Hogwarts," I whispered. She shot up like a cork from her bed and bounded over to me. She snatched hers out of my hands.

"Let's read them together then?" We peeled the seal away and unrolled the letters.

Dear Ms. Lovegood,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"It's real," I breathed.

"We've been accepted," Luna spun around dreamily.

"Luny, we have to go tell Papa! He'll be so excited!" I grabbed her hand and we raced down the stairs to our father's office. He was sitting at his desk, bent over an issue of The Quibbler, his magazine.

"Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa!" we shouted as we came down.

"What, what, what, what?" he replied, laughing.

"Papa, we've been-"

"Accepted," I finished her sentence.

His eyes grew wide and he dropped his quill. "Really my dears? It's true?"

We held out our letters. "It is!" I giggled. "We're going to Hogwarts!"

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