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Mrs. Weasley agreed to let us meet Hermione and her family in Diagon Alley to buy school supplies together. I had used Floo Powder before, and although it wasn't my favorite way to travel, it was the most efficient way until I could learn how to apparate.

I fell through the fireplace in The Leaky Cauldron, brushing soot off my coat, and waved at the bartender.

"There's a few more of us coming," Ron called as George came toppling out onto the rug. Tom gave us a gummy smile and went back to polishing the glasses. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stepped out of the fire a few seconds apart and looked around.

"Where's Harry?"

"He's not here yet, mum," Ron said. "He'll be along in a second though, won't he? You did tell him how to use Floo Powder?" He laughed.

"No," Mrs. Weasley frowned. "We sent him along before ourselves. He should have gotten here first,"

"Well, he's not,"

"Another astute observation from my little brother," Fred whispered under his breath.

"Oh no, oh dear, we've lost him!" Mrs. Weasley cried out.

"Molly. Molly, calm down," Arthur patted her tentatively on the shoulder. "He can't be far off. He was nervous and got out at the wrong fire. He's probably down Squigg Alley. It is only one over," He tried to calm Mrs. Weasley's breathing as we made our way outside.

"Alright, boys, you go with Arthur-" Mrs. Weasley's search party planning was interrupted.

"Oi! Molly! I've got yer boy righ' here!" A familiar voice called out.

"Hagrid?" Mrs. Weasley looked around and then "Oh, Harry!" She rushed forward and pulled Harry into a hug. "Thank Merlin for you Hagrid. Where on Earth did you find him?"

"He was poking around down Knockturn Alley," Hagrid raised his bushy eyebrows. "I'd say it's a good thing I found him when I did,"

"I- I'm sorry," Harry apologized. "I got so dizzy and then I got out at the wrong place and I didn't know where I was-"

"It's alright, dear boy," Molly continued to hold the now struggling Harry's head to her chest. I'm just glad you're safe," 

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