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Something caught my eye as it moved down the aisle toward me. I turned and saw Luna skipping towards me. I ran towards her and gave her a huge hug.

"I missed you," she told me. "Did you realize that last night-"

"-Was the only night we've ever spent away from each other? Yeah, I noticed," I finished.

"Well, the Ravenclaws were all quite nice to me," I breathed a sigh of relief. "How were the Hufflepuffs?"

"They were very nice," I felt bad lying to her but I decided not to tell her just yet. "I've made a friend already," I pointed at Susan across the room.

"Have you? Oh, that's wonderful! I was worried, you see, because I heard a rumor going around that everyone thinks we're crazy!" She giggled.

I felt relief again, but this time it was because I knew I wouldn't have to tell her the bad news. She already knew.

"Well, Susan is kind of my only friend," I confessed. "Everyone else believed that rumor,"

"I'm so sorry, but I'm glad she's being friendly," Luna and I went to sit back with Ron and Harry. Ron's brothers had joined them at the table and Ron wanted us to meet them. I had seen them around but never been formally introduced.

"Perc, these are my friends Luna and Y/n. Guys, this is Percy. He's in the fifth year," we shook hands.

"I'm the Gryffindor Prefect," he flashed his badge at us, "so if you ever hear of anything suspicious, be sure to come directly to me," Ron rolled his eyes and shook his head behind his brother's back. Next, he introduced me to Fred while Luna met George.

"Hello there," Fred tipped an imaginary hat to me. I grinned and shook his hand. He definitely seemed like a lot of fun.

"And this is George," Ron explained. "He and Fred are in the second year," I turned to the second twin. He did look a lot like his brother, but I could see the differences.

His face was a little bit fuller. His eyes were a little bit lighter. His posture was different. I suddenly realized that I had been staring at him without speaking for several moments, and I blushed, snapping myself out of my trance.

"Right, er, sorry. Nice to meet you!" I smiled at him.

He grinned and swept into a low bow. "The pleasure is all mine, m'lady," he extended his hand and I shook it.

"How polite," I said, still smiling.

"I'm the full package," he replied. "Classy, charming, devilishly handsome," he winked.

"Right," I said. I was still laughing but my stomach fluttered, "Charming for sure,"

Just then, McGonagall came by with our schedules.

Ron and Harry and I were all surprised at how many free periods we had, but McGonagall assured us that we would use it all for studying. It was almost time for the first hour, so I said goodbye to Luna and then walked with Harry and Ron to History of Magic. It proved to be very, very boring, so Harry and Ron, and I just passed notes in the back of the class. Hermione was there as well, but she took a seat right up at the front. I noticed that she raised her hand to answer every question and she always got them right. Even though she had been a bit rude on the train, I couldn't deny that she was smart. 

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