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The next morning, I woke up to sunshine slicing through the window. I opened my eyes and saw Luna sitting up groggily as well. Bill and Charlie's room was small and had obviously been turned into a sort of storage closet since they had left home. Old trunks and toys littered the floors and many of what seemed to be Mr. Weasleys failed muggle projects were piled in a corner.

We began the trek downstairs and ran into someone on the landing.

"Hello, Ginny!" Luna beamed

"Good morning Luna! Hi, Y/n"

"Did you sleep well?" Luna asked.

"Yeah-" There came a thudding sound from above and seconds later, a pair of pajama-clad twins came racing down the stairs.

"Morning!" Fred called over his shoulder as he and George pushed past us to the kitchen. I heard Mrs. Weasley scolding them for running on the stairs and then the clattering of dishes as they sat down to breakfast.

"Well, shall we?" Ginny gestured to the stairs leading down to the kitchen.

"But of course," and we joined Harry and the Weasleys for breakfast.

We sat around the crowded kitchen table as Mrs. Weasley piled food onto our plates.

"What are you all planning to do today?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Quidditch!" Fred bellowed. "We haven't had a proper match in months,"

"We don't have enough people," said Ron, "unless we play without a seeker and then there's only enough for..." He trailed off, counting on his fingers.

"We'll figure it out, Ron," Harry laughed.

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