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Apparently, Harry was suspicious about something he'd seen in the paper that morning. He told us that Hagrid had taken him to Diagon Alley to get all of his supplies but when he went to Gringotts, Hagrid emptied a vault. It was the same vault mentioned in the paper. Apparently, someone had tried to break in and steal whatever Hagrid had removed, but they were too late. He didn't know what had happened to it, but he suspected that it was being kept at Hogwarts.

My other classes were going well, too. My teachers seemed to like me, especially Flitwick. Even though he was head of Ravenclaw, he always gave me points in class. Herbology was taught by Professor Sprout, who was head of Hufflepuff. Even though we were in her class, she was very accepting of all of the houses, which I found very admirable. Transfiguration was very difficult, but really fun as well. McGonagall was strict, but I wasn't bad at her subject, so she liked me. Defense Against the Dark Arts was taught by a quiet, stuttering man named Professor Quirell, and he proved to be the strangest of my teachers. His classroom smelled funny and he wore a massive turban on his head at all times. Potions were taught in the dungeons by Professor Snape. It was definitely true that he favored the Slytherins and he never seemed to like our class very much because it was made up of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. He seemed to give Neville a particularly hard time, but I managed to stay out of trouble. I seemed to have a knack for brewing potions and no matter how hard he tried, Snape couldn't seem to criticize my work. Once a week, I lugged my telescope up to the top towers of Hogwarts to study the night sky. Professor Sinistra taught astronomy to the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins on Wednesday evenings at midnight, which meant that I was always tired on Thursdays. Fridays were my favorite days of the week. I had double Herbology in the morning and Flying in the afternoon. I liked Herbology because it was different from my other classes. It was also nice because it was with the Ravenclaws, so I got to be with Luna. I was nervous about flying, but Luna was there, which helped. At first, we just worked on rising into the air, and mine was one of the only brooms that actually obeyed me.

Harry was proving to have a spot of bother with Malfoy. I had a feeling that it had been him who spread the rumor but it seemed to be fizzling out anyways as people got to know us. Harry, on the other hand, was not willing to be talked about behind his back. He even agreed to a midnight duel with Malfoy, just because he didn't want to be labeled as a coward. He told us the next morning what had happened.

"Ron and I were going to the trophy room, where Malfoy said we should meet him," He was obviously very upset. "Apparently Hermione overheard that we were meeting and she tried to stop us."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Yeah, she was going on and on about rules and how much trouble we were going to get her into,"

Yeah, and Malfoy was late so we were just hanging around waiting for him when we heard Filch walk in" Harry shoved his breakfast into his mouth angrily.

"That git had set us up!" Ron was furious as well. "He tipped Filch off that we'd be there and we only just got away," he slammed his fist on the table.

"Well?" Luna asked. "Did you get detention?"

"Well that's the thing," Harry went on. "We were running for our lives and we wound up in that forbidden third-floor corridor, and guess what was there?"

Ron couldn't wait for us to guess. "A ginormous dog-" Harry shushed him and he continued in a whisper. "with three massive heads and big teeth!"

"Hermione said it was standing on a trap door, which means I think I know where that thing Hagrid was hiding has gone,"

Hogwarts was proving to be a tricky experience, but I loved it. 

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm having a lot of fun writing it and now that I have more time to write (schools out!), I'll probably be able to post more often. Thanks for the support! <3 

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