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I woke very early the next morning, my eyes stiff with sleep dust. My sweater and shirt were twisted and crumpled around my body and my shoes were still on. My neat plaits had come undone and I could feel the tangles tight against my skull. But before I could even sit up, something hit me. Today was the last day of school. The thought jump-started my brain and I stood up so quickly that dark spots freckled my vision. Phineas arched and hissed as my feet accidentally swept him off the bed. I froze when I remembered that the rest of the dormitory was still asleep, and then crept into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

The train would leave at eleven that morning. I had been packing my stuff up over the past few days so all I really had to do was add my robes to the top of my trunk. I put on my muggle outfit so that I wouldn't have to change on the train. Putting on the same outfit I had arrived here in made me feel strangely nostalgic. I went to breakfast with everyone and there was definitely a buzz in the air. After breakfast, we decided to go for one final walk on the grounds. It was a lovely day out with sun and barely any wind. I was trying to absorb every last moment here at school before I'd be home again. I was excited to see Papa and the house again, but this year had been exciting. I had managed to make real, genuine friends and I would miss them.

As we boarded the train later that day, I found myself being jostled into the same compartment I had arrived in. Ron and Harry and Luna were close behind me, but this time, Hermione joined us as well. And then the train pulled away and Hogsmeade Station was shrinking out the window. Ahead of us was the vibrant Scottish countryside and the excited buzz on the train settled down to a peaceful hum. We spent the journey playing Exploding Snap and eating sweets from the trolly. By the time London buildings were visible in the distance, I had almost forgotten that I wouldn't see my friends for nine whole weeks.

We pulled into Kings Cross with a puff of smoke and were immediately trampled as we tried to make our way out into the corridor and onto the platform. I hooked Luna's finger in the scuffle and we managed to get out of the train together, Harry, Ron, and Hermione appearing a few doors down. The smoke cleared and we saw Papa standing there, suit of lime green this time, and we took off running towards him. I collided into his arms and I felt him stumble backward on impact. I hadn't really realized how much I had missed my father, but I felt safe at our reunion. Luna was giggling next to me when Papa pulled away to look at us.

"I missed my girls," he said softly, his eyes twinkling.

"We missed you too, Papa," Luna replied.

"Wait, Papa! We made friends!" I started tugging him with me. "Come meet them!"

"Alright, Alright, I'm coming," he laughed.

Ron and Hermione and Harry were standing together near the barrier, loading their things onto the trollies.

"Papa, these are our friends," Luna gestured. "Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger,"

"It is a great pleasure to meet you all," Papa nodded at each of them approvingly. I noticed his eyes catch on Harry's bangs, searching for a moment, but it was hardly noticeable.

"It's lovely to meet you as well, Mr. Lovegood," Hermione replied. Harry and Ron mumbled something as well but none of us could make it out.

"Well, shall we be going?" Papa took our hands and led us towards the barrier. We collected our things and faced the solid brick wall once again. I glanced over at Luna and grinned.


"Perfect," she replied.

Blame it on the Nargles | George Weasley x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now