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When I was in my common room, I generally tended to hang around Susan. When I had homework, I went to the library with Luna. It was often the best time of day because even if we had to do schoolwork, it was great to see her. She told me all about the Ravenclaw tower and the people she met. I was so glad that she was having a good time. One day she couldn't meet me there so I went with Susan instead. We were trying to study, but we kept getting distracted. We were laughing about a picture we had seen in one of our textbooks. I looked around the library as we tried to stifle our giggles to see if we were bothering anyone and I caught someone looking at us. George was sitting at a table across the room. He waved awkwardly and smiled at me. I blushed and returned the gesture. Susan looked back up at me.

"Y/n, you're blushing," She grinned at me

"No, I'm not, I don't know what you're talking about," I put my hands on my face and felt how warm it was.

"You are totally blushing," Susan giggled. "Ooh, you fancy him don't you?"

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up," I whispered. "What if he hears you? Plus, I barely know him,"

"Well, get to know him," she grinned. I rolled my eyes at her and went back to my textbook. I snuck a few more looks across the room from time to time, but I never caught his eye again.

The weeks were passing by quickly, and soon, it was Halloween. The feast was the best one I had ever seen and the decorations were incredible. Hagrid had been growing giant pumpkins in his garden and now they were carved out and filled with candles. There were real bats flying above the tables and several animated skeletons who danced around the tables. Everyone was having a good time and enjoying the first holiday of the school year. At one point, I needed to use the restroom, so I slipped out of the Great Hall to find it. As I reached the door, I heard a sound coming from inside. It sounded like someone was crying. I walked in quietly, not wanting to startle whoever it was.

"Hello? Are you alright?" I asked. The sniffling stopped

"Er, yes, I'm alright," a shrill voice came from one of the stalls.

"Hermione? Is that you?" I knocked tentatively on the stall door. "It's Y/n. Do you need to talk?"

"Oh, er, hello Y/n," I heard the door unlatch and she swung it open. Her face was red and tear-streaked.

"Oh, come here," my face softened and I instinctively pulled her into a hug. "It's alright now," I stroked her hair. I suppose it should have felt strange comforting someone my age as if I was an adult, but it felt very natural. Hermione tensed up for a moment but then relaxed into my embrace. I felt her body shake with a few more sobs.

"It's Harry and Ron," she told me.

"Really? What did they do?" I asked, worried.

"Well, I don't want to tell you, they're your friends. I don't want you to fight, even if I don't particularly like them,"

"Hey. This is just us talking," I looked at her. "You can say whatever you want about Harry and Ron. If you give me a good reason to get mad at them, I will do so gladly," I patted her back. "And the last time we spoke, we didn't really like each other either, so I think we'll be okay,"

She smiled waterily at me. "I suppose that's true. I am sorry, by the way, for being rude about your sister. I have her in a few of my classes and she is very kind. Smart too,"

"It's alright, and I'm sorry as well. You had good reason to think something was wrong with her. Wrackspurts have a way of doing that," I laughed. "But enough with this. We've forgiven each other, now it is time for you to tell me what the matter is,"

"Ron and Harry were saying rude things about me after Charms today, laughing about how I don't have any friends," Hermione frowned again. "I suppose I wasn't meant to hear it, but that doesn't make it feel any better. I came straight here and I haven't left since," she broke down again.

"Well, there's my good reason," I glared at the air in front of my face, as though Harry and Ron were standing there. "They had no right to say those things. Not to you or anyone else,"

"Really? Thank you," Hermione wiped her eyes.

"Really. Now come on. Let's go back to the feast and show those boys what happens to people who are rude to my friends," Hermione smiled when I said 'friends' and linked her arm through mine. We headed for the door but heard a commotion in the hall. All of a sudden, the door to the bathroom slammed shut, and I heard heavy breathing coming from the doorway. I looked around the corner and froze in fear. A troll stood towering over us. It held a gnarled club in its hand and it was looking right at us. I tried to scream, but I couldn't make a sound. Luckily, Hermione seemed to have more control of her voice. She shrieked and pulled me backward, away from the creature. She pulled us into a stall and locked the door. I began to be able to feel my limbs again, but then I almost fell over. Hermione clutched my arm, and we drew our wands. We could hear the troll moving around, trying to figure out which stall we were in. We were lucky that they're not the brightest creature. All of a sudden, with a splintering crash, the troll swept his club across all of the stalls, crumbling the wooden walls. Hermione and I dropped to the floor, but we were no longer protected. My wand was knocked from my hand and rolled across the room. I turned to Hermione, but hers had been lost as well. I began to picture myself dying in this room, the girl's toilets. Who would find my body? Would Hermione survive? I managed to find my voice and I screamed. Hermione's shout mixed with mine. All I could think was, "please let someone hear us, please let someone hear us". And someone did. 

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