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I woke up early the next day, and everyone in my dormitory was still asleep. I changed into my robes quietly and let Phineas out into the common room. It too was deserted, so I gathered my textbooks and went to sit in a chair by the fire. I flipped through them aimlessly until the common room started to fill again. The first years were still giving me strange looks, but once Susan woke up, we stuck together.

"So a lot of people heard that stuff? About me and Luna?" I asked again

"I think so," she sympathized.

"I just hope Luna hasn't found out," I frowned. "But I guess she doesn't really care what other people say about her. I wish I was more like that. You know, I'm not even mad that people are calling me crazy, I just don't want them calling her that,"

"Well, maybe you'll find out who said it," Susan reasoned. "You could try to talk to them,"

"That's what they'll want me to do! They want to see me get upset, that's how all bullies work,"

"Well, we can't do anything about it now, but I am starving. Come to breakfast with me," she tugged on my arm.

I grinned. "Yeah, alright," and followed her out.

Outside, the hallways were beginning to fill with students on their way to the Great Hall. Breakfast ended at 8:30 and I reckoned that it was about 7:30 now. We walked in and saw the tables, but unlike last night, nobody was sitting at their house table. Instead, they sat with their friends at whatever table they wanted. I did notice that only Slytherins were sitting at the Slytherin table, but that seemed pretty in character for them. I saw Harry and Ron already seated at the Gryffindor table and I brought Susan with me.

"Hi, guys!" I sat down next to Ron and across from Harry.

"Oh, good morning Y/n," Harry replied. Ron grunted at me through his mouthful of food.

"Good morning to you too, Ronald," I laughed. "This is Susan, the only Hufflepuff who's been nice to me," I introduced them. I turned to her, but she was standing frozen in place. "Sit down!" I laughed, pulling on her arm.

"Er, I think I'm going to get some food," she stuttered.

"Suz, there's food right here," I raised my eyebrows at her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just would like some of the food from over there," she tilted her head. "Y/n, will you come with me?"

"Er, yeah, of course, I will..." I trailed off but followed her away. "Susan, are you sure you're alright? You're acting really funny,"

"Y/n, I can't sit there," there was a hint of urgency in her voice.

"What? Why not?" I was really confused now.

"I can't sit and eat breakfast with Harry Potter! I don't even understand how you can speak to him without freezing up!"

"He's just a person, and he didn't choose to be famous," I said gently. "But I do understand if you're feeling strange. It's okay, I promise. I know that most of the school feels that way too," I smiled. "But that's not going to stop me from sitting with him. He needs friends, especially now. He's nervous and this is all so new for him,"

"I get it, really I do, but I'm just not ready for that," Susan explained. "I don't mind if you sit with him at all, as long as we can still hang out in class and stuff,"

"Of course we're going to hang out in class! And in the common room, and anywhere else we want to, okay?" I gave her a hug.

"Okay," she grinned. She waved as she walked away and I saw her sit down with a group of Hufflepuffs across the room. I didn't mind. We could have as many friends as we wanted. 

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