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Once breakfast had been finished and my offer to help clean up was denied by Mrs. Weasley, we set off for the orchard behind the Weasley house. The twins helped Luna and I dig Bill and Charlie's old brooms from a shed and then we were in the air. We played catch with fallen apples and tennis balls, racing each other just below the clearance of the trees. Fred and George brought out their beater's bats and began swinging them around. George tossed his bat to me and Fred threw me an apple. I hit it easily, and it thudded against a nearby tree.

"Nice hit," George grinned.

"Why thank you. Fred, throw me another," Fred obliged, and I whacked it towards George, who rolled nimbly over in midair just in time.

"Rude," George scoffed, "But again," He nodded pridefully, "Pretty good," I felt my face heat up and swiveled around on my broom so that he wouldn't see my smile.

The games continued; Ron and I tossed apples back and forth, the twins flew in loopty-loops, and Luna threw apples for Harry to catch until she sat down in the grass to make a flower crown, which she gave to Ginny.

We were all disappointed that Hermione couldn't come to stay, but she was on vacation with her parents. Only Harry hadn't been aware of this fact because, he informed us, a house-elf had been stopping his mail. In fact, he had been told that he wasn't supposed to return to Hogwarts at all this year because of something dangerous.

"That's crazy, mate," Ron shook his head. "We got rid of the dangerous stuff last year,"

"I know. I don't know what he was talking about,"

Blame it on the Nargles | George Weasley x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now