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"Right," I said. "Should we go find a compartment?"

"Yes," Luna agreed. We began walking the corridor, looking for one with space. As we were looking into one, we were knocked into by a girl and a boy. The girl was very freckled with bushy hair and crooked teeth. The boy was short and round-faced, and his collar was twisted askew.

"Oh, pardon me," the girl said, looking us up and down. "We're just looking for a toad. Neville here lost one,"

"Oh, I'm sorry," I replied. "Would you like help?"

"Alright," the girl replied. "I'm Hermione by the way, Hermione Granger. Who are you?"

"I'm Y/n," I looked over at Luna, expecting her to reply as well, but she had gone quiet. She had a dazed and dreamy look in her eyes. I had seen it before.

"Sorry about that, but this is Luna. She's my sister, my twin sister actually,"

"Is she ill?" Hermione asked. "She looks rather curious,"

"Oh no, she's alright. She's just got a Wrackspurt in her ear, it'll leave in a moment,"

"A Wrackspurt, really? I've read all about those in our books. To be honest, I don't really believe they're real," Hermione looked at Luna and I could see the judgment in her eyes. I took a step so I was a bit in front of her. I didn't like it when people looked at Luna that way. We'd both stuck up for each other before. We had been picked on often in primary school.

All of a sudden, Luna snapped back into the present. She shook her head a bit as if trying to shake a fly off. "I'm sorry," she said dreamily. "I think there's a wrackspurt in here," She swatted the air around us with her arms.

"Luny, this is Hermione, Hermione, this is Luna," I properly introduced them, but kept a hint of ice in my voice. Luna beamed at Hermione in her usual optimistic fashion, and Hermione smiled politely.

"Well, we'd better get a move on if we're going to find Neville's toad," Hermione continued our march down the corridor. I opened a compartment door to two boys. One had a head of fierce red hair, and the other was dark and untidy.

"Hello, have either of you seen a toad? Luna and I are looking for one," At this point, I noticed that the redhead had his wand clutched in his hand.

"Don't worry, we're not going to hex you," I laughed.

"Er, no, I was just, er-"

"Yeah, we've seen your frog," the other boy cut him off. From the seat beside him, he scooped up a large, bumpy toad.

"He's a toad, not a frog," Luna said lightly, "and thank you very much, Neville will be so happy,"

Just then, Hermione stuck her head into the compartment as well.

"We've finished searching our side," she told us. "What are you two still doing here?" Then she caught sight of the toad. "Oh! Terrific! Neville!" she called him over. "Here's your toad," she took it from the dark-haired boy and handed it over. Neville sighed in contentment.

Hermione turned her focus back to the compartment. Her gaze fell on the boy who still held his wand in his fist. "Oh! Are you going to do some magic? Well, lets see it then," her tone was rather sharp.

"Oh, er," the boy flushed, but brandished the wand anyways. I noticed that he had a patchy grey rat asleep on his lap. He summoned up the courage, and then pointed the wand at the rat.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn the stupid fat rat yellow!" He made a wild movement with the wand and we all watched, but nothing happened.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" Hermione asked, looking down her nose at the boy. I edged away from her. I was beginning to think she was a little mean. "I've tried a few, and they've all worked for me,"

"I do think the rat looks a little brighter," Luna offered. The boy smiled.

"He doesn't, but thanks anyways,"

The other boy with the dark hair spoke up. "D-do you need a place to sit? Your welcome here if you like,"

"Really? Thanks!" I looked at Luna, and she nodded, so we took seats across from each other. Hermione had stormed off by now, but not before notifying the red-head of the dirt on his nose. She had dragged Neville along with her.

"I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood,"

"And I'm Y/n. We're sisters. Twins actually," we laughed and shook hands with the boys.

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley," the ginger boy smiled awkwardly at us. "I have twin brothers as well. Fred and George. They're a year ahead of us"

"I'm Harry," the other boy said. We smiled hello.

"Harry Potter," Ron looked at us expectantly.

"It's nice to meet you both," Luna replied.

"Did you not hear me?" Ron looked rather confused. "That's Harry Potter! You know, Potter?"

Harry looked rather uncomfortable.

"Yes, we heard you, what's the fuss?" Luna cocked her head to the side.

"Do you two seriously not know who Harry Potter is?" Ron was amazed. "Are you muggle-borns?"

"Ron..." Harry grimaced.

"No, we're pure, and we know who Harry Potter is, but he's also just a person. We're not about to jump around because we've met another person,"

"Of course, we do appreciate what you did for us, Harry" Luna patted him on the shoulder. "But you were just a baby. You don't remember. And I don't mean that in a rude way at all. You had no control over what happened to you, and now that you've all of a sudden found out that you're magical, it's very overwhelming,"

"Yeah, actually I think that's exactly how I feel," Harry smiled a small smile at Luna. "Thanks."

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