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That night, I pretended to go to bed when Susan did. But my eyes stayed open as I heard the breathing in the room slow to a steady rhythm. I heard the clock in the common room chime midnight and rolled slowly out of bed, trying not to let the sheets rustle. I took off my dressing gown to reveal my pants and jacket, and crept out of the common room, shutting the door quietly behind me. I walked quickly along the dark corridors, my palms sweaty with anticipation. My stomach was curling up with anxiety. I approached the third-floor corridor and nearly fell over in fright when I saw someone standing there. One near heart attack later, my vision re-focussed on a slightly alarmed Luna, looking at me in concern

"Are you quite alright, Y/n?"

"Goodness, I nearly jumped out of my skin, you scared me!" We tried to keep our voices down.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry," 

I looked around. "I take it they aren't here yet?"

"No, I haven't heard them yet. Harry has his invisibility cloak so we won't see them, remember,"

As if on cue, we heard a shuffling along the hallway.

"Gerrof me!" I recognized Ron's voice

"Sorry! Sorry!" Hermione's shrill whisper

"Hurry up!" Harry sounded annoyed.

"Hello!" Luna waved in the direction of the sounds.

"Urf-hello guys," Ron emerged from under the cloak.

Harry ducked out as well. "Wow, you actually came," he sounded surprised

"Didn't think we would?" I smirked.

"Honestly Harry, when are you going to realize that we care as much about this as you do?" Luna smiled

"Well, I suppose we should... go... now," We opened the door and Harry brought a handmade flute to his lips, but we needn't have worried. An enchanted harp was playing in the corner and Fluffy was passed out, drooling on the floor. Ron heaved the trap door open and we peered down into the black hole.

"Well," Harry stepped forward, "I'll go first" and he stepped into a free-fall. We couldn't see him falling in the darkness, but we heard him hit the floor a moment later.

"It's alright!" he called up to us. "It's a soft landing. You can jump,"

Ron took a shaky breath but followed suit. Hermione went after, barely stifling a scream as the darkness swallowed her up. Luna and I were left, teetering on the edge. I hated the feeling of falling, but I knew this was no time to worry about that. As if she could read my mind, Luna took my hand.

"1, 2-" and she jumped, pulling me along with her. We fell for only a moment, but my stomach was twisted when we hit the ground with a soft plump.

"Sorry," Luna's voice came from beside me. "But I knew you might hold back if I waited until three,"

I scowled at her, but remembering that she couldn't see my face, added "I'm frowning at you,"

She failed to stifle her laughter but squeezed my hand. At that moment, I also felt someone's grip tightening on my opposite arm. And someone else across my chest. And legs. I tried to move but I couldn't. Then I felt the tightness twisting and I knew it wasn't a person.

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