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 In a haze, I walked down to the greenhouses for my first class of the day. Passing Hagrid's Hut, I heard the cooing and crowing of a few roosters strutting around in his yard. The normally pleasant background noise shot to the forefront of my mind for a moment, grating against the inside of my head. Spots appeared in front of my eyes and I clapped my hands over my ears, frantically trying to get rid of the sound. A deep, fearful hatred swept through me as visions flashed in front of me; their beady eyes, taloned feet, and gaping beaks letting forth strangled, vicious cries. I felt myself break into a sweat, shivering and shaking. My knees buckled and I struggled on the ground, trying to pull myself away from the shrieking crows.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Susan stopped beside me, her concerned face coming in and out of focus in front of me.

As soon as the feeling had started, it stopped. Straightening up, I shook my head, trying to rid the horrible ringing from my ears.

"Those roosters in Hagrid's yard were so loud," My eyes darted back and forth between Susan's face and the seemingly innocent animals pecking around in the grass.

"The roosters? They sounded fine to me, Y/n. Do you need to go to the nurse?" The look on Susan's face suggested she was genuinely frightened of my reaction, so I straightened up, shaking my head.

"No, I'm fine, I'm sure it was just a sudden headache or something," feighning a look of self-assuredness, I continued on towards the greenhouse. Inside, my mind was whirling. What the hell was that? I had never been bothered by a rooster's crow before.

Later that night, I relayed the strange occurrence to Tom.

I can't go near them again, Tom. I felt like I was dying, I was so afraid. What's wrong with me?

"Nothing's wrong with you Y/n. I share your feelings. Roosters are vicious nuisances and you should hate them. We must figure out how to get rid of them if you are to complete the tasks I have in store for you"

What do you want me to do, Tom? You keep telling me you want me to do things for you but haven't told me what. Why do you need me to do things? You live in a diary, what could you possibly need from me?

"Watch your tone with me, Y/n. I have done nothing but help you and frankly, I don't know how you would have survived without my confidance. I may live in a diary now, but it won't always be that way. As part of your payment to me for the support I have given you, you will help me leave my paper entrapment and become powerful once again!"

A/N: Hello! My apologies for the time it took me to write this chapter... I was feeling uninspired, so it may not be the best quality, but I'm more excited for the upcoming stuff, so hopefully, the next chapter will be better. I started school again today, so it may be difficult for me to find the time to write, but I'm really going to try. As always, thanks for reading!

<3 C 

P.S: I'm sure some of you already know about this, but if you want to replace "Y/n"  with your real name, you can use the chrome extension "InteractiveFics" and it will automatically replace "Y/n" with whatever you want :)

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