2: September 1st, 1991

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*Note: Y/W/L: Your Wand Length; Y/W/W: Your Wand Wood; Y/W/C: Your wand core*

I got out of the cab with Luna at Kings Cross Train Station. It was September 1st. Papa helped us gather our things from the back of the cab and led us inside. The train station was swarming with people on their commute. I hooked one of my fingers through Lunas; it was an odd little habit that we had.

"Come on darlings, the station is this way," my father was pushing our trolley for us and didn't seem to notice the strange looks he was getting from the muggles. Even though he had shed his normal robes, his long, blue trench coat and purple suit caught the eyes of many. His ever-present deathly hallows necklace bounced up and down on his chest as he marched through the station. Luna and I were wearing our muggle clothing as well, our outfits complete with matching high-top sneakers.

"Luny, look!" I pulled her forward in excitement. "There it is!"

The thing that had sparked my reaction was a narrow, unassuming brick wall, but to me, it was amazing. It was the doorway to a secret platform, one the muggles couldn't get to. It was platform 9¾.

"This is so exciting my dears," Papa beamed at us. "I cannot tell you how proud I am of you both. In fact, I have a little gift for you," From inside his robes, he pulled out two necklaces. They were long and made of bottle caps, connected with small silver hooks.

Luna looked at them in awe. "To keep the nargles away," she breathed.

"Exactly," dad replied. He grinned at us and looped one around each of our necks.

I rolled the caps around between my fingers. "I love it, thank you, Papa. I will use it to defend everything I own,"

"Me too," Luna promised, a determined look on her face.

Papa beamed at us and pulled a pocket watch out from his robes. "Merlin's beard, the train is leaving soon," he grimaced at us. "We'd better get going,"

He wheeled our cart around to face the barrier but stopped. "You girls better go first. I want to make sure I can see you get through alright."

I looked nervously at Luny, but she smiled at me, calming me down. "It's just a wall, and it isn't really there at all anyways. There's no need to be frightened of a wall," she hooked her pinkie through mine. "We'll go together, okay?"

"Okay," I started to smile as well. "How fast are we supposed to go at it?"

"I think skipping would be perfect, wouldn't you?"

"Alright," I finally did grin, and in perfect unison, we started to skip and hop towards the wall. At one point, we started to laugh, but we continued forward. All of a sudden, it went very dark and then very bright again. I looked around in reverence at the platform that had appeared before my very eyes. The Hogwarts express train was chugging away on the tracks. There were people everywhere, some families, some just students. Papa appeared beside us.

"You did it, I knew you could!" He gathered us into his arms. "Now, do you have your wands?"

I pulled mine from inside my jacket. It was Y/W/L, of Y/W/W and Y/W/C. Luna had hers as well. We shared a center, but her wood was birch.

"Good girls. Now, here are your trunks."

I had a large grey cat in a carrier, and he was safely strapped to the rest of my luggage. His name was Phineas, and Papa had surprised me with him after I got my acceptance letter. He was yowling away after having almost crashed into a wall, but he was all in one piece. Luna had an oversized silvery owl in a birdcage, who she had named Bert. I looked around at her again and we grinned at each other.

"We should go," Luna said.

Papa nodded. He swept us into a final hug and gave us both scratchy kisses on the cheek. "I love you both so much. Your mother would be so proud of you right now," he grinned with shining eyes.

"Don't cry Papa," Luna held his hand. "The nargles will steal your tears, and you haven't got a necklace for protection"

"And Mum is here," I added. "I can feel her aura around us."

Just then, the train whistle sounded. "Okay, we have to go,"

"Stay safe. And write to me! Your Papa is going to get lonely without his girls,"

"Goodbye Papa, we love you," Luna and I waved as we climbed the steps into the train. We continued waving until we pulled away and lost sight of the platform.

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