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I set my quill down and sighed. My hands were stained with ink and I watched my last few sentences sink into the pearly pages, a small smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. I had let myself go, so eager for a listener that my handwriting was strung-together and sloppy, but oh, how lovely it felt.

I suppose I hadn't realized how many feelings I had really been harboring, nor how much could be attached to a crush.

The common room was empty due to the late hour and I sat alone in the armchair in the corner, accompanied only by the flames dying out in the fireplace. Glancing back down at the diary, a new line of text appeared

"I hope you feel better now, my dear. It takes a lot of courage to share your feelings, but I hope that you feel you can trust me. I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to; to help sort out your feelings"

Breathing a sigh of relief, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders; a weight I hadn't even realized was there until I realized how nice I felt without it.

~ ~ ~

Writing with Tom became a part of my daily routine. I kept the diary in my dorm, under my pillow, where I would retrieve it every night to recount my day and let Tom's supportive words soothe me to sleep. In my mind he was real, a real person, a friend to whom I could tell anything. I felt safe with him. Conversing with him was so addictive that I began to take the diary with me to my classes.

Tom, Snape is being rude to me...

Tom,  I messed up a spell in Charms class and everyone laughed at me...

Tom, George smiled at me in the corridor...

With every appearance of his familiar scrawl, his supportive words, his encouragement, I held him closer.

Blame it on the Nargles | George Weasley x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now