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Harry and Ron and Luna and I had no idea what the sorting ceremony was going to entail. I was surprised when I realized that neither Luna nor I had never thought to ask Papa how it went. Ron kept going on about a troll until Harry and I finally told him to shut up. Harry barely knew the names of all the houses, so he was especially nervous. I knew Luny had her hopes set on Ravenclaw because it was Papa's house, but I wasn't really sure. All I wanted was a good fit. Professor McGonagall crowded us into a small room off the Great Hall to wait. Her eyes swept over us, catching on the crooked collars, ill-fitting robes, and the untidy hair.

"I suggest that you all attempt to smarten yourselves up a bit before the ceremony," she reprimanded, peering through her glasses. "I'll be with you in just one moment," and with that, she bustled out of the room. I heard some chatter coming from the Great Hall and Professor McGonagall finally came back. She ushered us through the doorway. It was magnificent. Huge, with beautiful stone designing and full of candlelight. It didn't seem to have a ceiling and I could see the stars exactly as if I were standing outside.

I was so excited to see the hall and be sorted that I didn't feel very nervous in front of everyone. Ron and Harry and Luna were looking around uneasily though, so I tried to give them some reassuring smiles.

"Hey, at least we don't see any trolls!" That earned at least a grimace from Ron, but Harry and Luna still looked pretty nervous.

"Harry, you're going to be fine. You are meant to be here and I know that you'll do really good things, no matter what house you get sorted into,"

"Right, thanks Y/n," He smiled.

I turned to Luna. "Luny, you are going to be so happy here. I love you, and I'm going to love you no matter where you end up. Papa will too. You know that right?'

"Goodness, someone's gone soft," Luna replied, but she was smiling again. "Don't worry, I love you too," she kissed my cheek.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Sorting Ceremony is about to begin," McGonagall's shrill voice cut through the chatter. We fell silent. She placed a stool at the front of the room and a hat on top of it. The hat was very old-looking and had been patched several times. All of a sudden, a rip in the brim opened into what looked a bit like a mouth. It sang a song about the different Hogwarts houses and when it was finished, the whole hall applauded.

"Abbott, Hannah," a blonde girl stepped forward timidly and sat on the stool. McGonagall placed the hat on her head. The room sat in silence for a moment before the tear in the hat opened.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" it shrieked. Hanna smiled and trotted off towards the cheering Hufflepuff table.

A few more names were called and then

"Weasley, Ronald," Ron gulped audibly and stumbled up the steps to the stool. When the hat was placed on his head, he looked up at the brim in terror. But he needn't have worried.

"GRYFFINDOR!" that hat screamed. A look of relief washed over Ron's face and he went to join the Gryffindor table. A group of boys greeted him, and they all shared the same flaming red hair.

One by one, the remaining students were called up to be sorted, and with each one, I felt myself grow more and more anxious for my turn. The hat took a long time with Harry before it eventually called "GRYFFINDOR!" and Harry went off grinning to a cheering Gryffindor table. Harry smiled at us before going to meet Ron and sit down. Along with a few others, Luna and I were the only ones left standing.

"Lovegood, Luna," McGonagall's voice cut through my thoughts. My stomach flipped.

"Go on Luny," I squeezed her hand and then nudged her forward. I saw her stand up straighter and step confidently toward the stool. When the hat was placed on her head, it fell down over her eyes. I waited in silence, the nervous sensation still strong in my belly. After a moment, the hat opened its mouth.

"RAVENCLAW!" Luna was beaming. I knew Ravenclaw would be perfect for her and I cheered loudly along with the others.

"Lovegood, Y/n," I froze for a moment and then moved toward the stool. I sat down, being careful not to topple off the back and the hat was placed on top of my head. I could still see the whole room from under the brim. It was almost worse, being able to see everyone staring at me.

"Hmm," it muttered. "Not a bad brain, a good one in fact. Might be good in Ravenclaw"

I had been expecting that, what with the heritage and all.

"And so many before you in line!" it added. "But let me take a look at the other things. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think you've got the courage for Gryffindor"

I didn't think that was rude at all; I knew and had hoped that I wouldn't be placed in Gryffindor.

"Ah, humble," the hat said. Oh, right. I had forgotten that it could read my thoughts. "Loyal too, I see; patient and not afraid of work. Those are always good traits to have. Yes, I think that does it. I'm putting you in...HUFFLEPUFF!"

Professor McGonagall pulled the hat off my head and looked up to see a table with yellow drapings clapping. My eyes flicked over to the Ravenclaw table where my sister was sitting, cheering me on as well. I grinned at her as I walked over. The way that the house tables were situated meant that even though we were at different tables, we could sit close enough to talk to each other. I took a seat across the aisle from her.

"I'm so excited for you! Papa is going to be so proud!" I whispered. There were still a few students left getting sorted. "I hope he won't mind that I'm not,"

"Are you mad? He'll be thrilled! He's always said how much he admires the qualities of a good Hufflepuff, and you're going to be the best one this school has ever seen," she grinned at me. We cheered along as the Sorting Ceremony was completed. McGonagall floated the stool and the hat out of the hall and Professor Dumbledor gave his beginning-of-the-year speech. We sang the school song, which was fun, and the feast began. The food was amazing and eating gave me a chance to look around a bit more. I looked over at the other tables, the Slytherins looked indifferent; the Ravenclaws were chatting along with the Gryffindors. I saw Ron sitting together with Harry and waved. They waved back excitedly. I looked around my own table next and turned to the other first years sitting next to me.

"Hi! I'm Y/n," I offered, smiling at them.

"Hello," the girl said. Her eyes flicked over me quickly and she looked back down at her plate.

I frowned. That was rather odd. I tried the boy on my other side.

"Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Ernie," the boy said. He tried to my smile, but it was really more of a grimace.

I looked around the table at the group of first years, and many of them refused to meet my eyes. I decided to ignore it. They were probably just tired or something. I helped myself to the feast, which was excellent. Even if a few people were acting strangely, I was at a school to learn magic, and I was so excited to start.

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