Part 16: Quidditch Match (3)

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The match continued on for a long while. Hermione watched intently the entire time. She would outwardly cheer whenever the Gryffindor team scored, but would silently celebrate when Lilith scored.

Ginny was heated the entire match screaming at Ron whenever a score was made on him. Luna stood behind her gently holding her hand with a soft smile.

The game was close and was very long. Harry and the Ravenclaw seeker were both having an off day, neither of them had even gotten close to catching the snitch.

The score stood at 60:50 with Gryffindor in the lead. Herm9ione watch as Lilith became more frustrated as the game passed. Her brow becoming more furrowed with every score the opposite team made. She would occasionally have some sort of angry confrontation with her teammates, but it never lasted very long.

"God damn it, Harry, just catch the damn snitch already! "Ginny shouted, her face slightly red with anger. Luna placed a hand on her arm,

"Don't worry, he'll catch it soon enough." She spoke softly.

As time passed it was clear that the players were beginning to become fatigued. Lilith and some of the players pushed on, working themselves to the bone. It was beginning to get dark by the time Harry and the Ravenclaw seeker had caught sight of the snitch and began pursuit.

The stadium began to erupt in noise as the seekers chased after the snitch, they all were shouting for them to catch the snitch.

"Come on Harry!" Luna yelled, somehow it was still soft in tone although quite loud.

The two seekers whizzed by the stands, reaching their hands out for the small golden snitch. The Ravenclaw seeker was taller than harry so he had the longer reach. Lilith stopped quickly to watch the seekers knowing the match was about to end when she caught the eye of Hermione.

Hermione looked up to Lilith with a smile completely distracted from the game. Lilith smiled back with a little wave when the Gryffindor stands erupted in cheers. Everyone jumped up in celebration. Hermione heard the commentator shout,

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch, Gryffindor wins!"

Hermione watched as Lilith quickly turned on her broom and flew down to the locker rooms. She turned to Ginny, Seamus, Luna, Dean, and all the other Gryffindor's as they celebrated jumping up and down.

"What a match." She muttered to her friends as they made their way down and out of the stadium. As they walked out to the path that leads to the school laughing and celebrating Hermione saw Lilith off by the locker rooms, she seemed to be having some kind of heated conversation with her team, before quickly blowing them off and almost storming off in the opposite direction of the castle.

"Hey Hermione, we were going to have a little party in the common room if you want to join." Dean walked up to Hermione with a smile his face was covered in red and gold paint,

"I'll meet you guys up there." She spoke half distracted and watched as Dean left with the rest of her friends. She then quickly ran off to follow Lilith. 

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