Part 3: The Crush

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Once off the train, Hermione met back up with Ron and Harry, their conversation from earlier a thing of the past. Hermione sat with her friends at the Gryffindor table ready for the feast to begin. She sat across from Ginny and Harry, Ron was next to her. 

"Hermione, where did you go after you left our compartment?" Harry asked as he sipped his drink.

 "oh..." Hermione looked past him to see Lilith sitting with her Quidditch teammates having a laugh, Lilith locked eyes with her for a moment and smiled slightly before Hermione broke off looking back at Harry, 

"I... just found an empty compartment and read for the rest of the trip." Hermione quickly took a sip of her drink. 

"Of course you did," Ron said with a mouth full of ham. Ginny laughed at her brother's poor manners. The four of them continued to talk until the Headmaster called for the room to be silent. As Hermione turned to look at him she couldn't help but lock eyes with Lilith a second time. This made her cheeks flush, but luckily nobody noticed. The Headmaster continued with his usual speech before letting the students continue their meal. Once dinner was over Harry and Ron went up to their rooms to spend some time with Seamus and Dean, whilst Ginny dragged Hermione into her own room. Ginny sat on her bed giggling and motioning for Hermione to join her. Once Hermione sat Ginny looked at her and smiled, this confused Hermione. 

"So," She spoke trying to stifle back giggles, "I couldn't help but notice you were looking over at the Ravenclaw table, more specifically the Quidditch team," Hermione just nodded hoping that Ginny hadn't notice who she was looking at, 

"Hermione, is there some lucky guy on that team that you may be crushing on," Ginny laughs and Hermione sighs, crisis averted. Ginny looked at Hermione, "I totally saw you blushing," Hermione laughed slightly nervous. "So, who is he," Ginny was overly excited, and Hermione only smiled, 

"Well you see Ginny, He is tall, and Muscular, and well-read, And such an amazing Quidditch player," Hermione laughed realizing she could hide who she's really blushing and locking eyes with by simply changing she to he. They spent the rest of the night talking about the boy that Ginny has a crush on, but Hermione couldn't get the image of Lilith's eyes locking with hers out of her mind.

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