Part 37: Meeting the friends

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Hermione and Lilith sat at the Ravenclaw table for quite a while before some of her teammates ran up,

"Get to the locker room! We got a game to win!" The quidditch players were quite loud as they jumped up and down. Lilith sighed with a smile, gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek,

"well, I guess I will see you after the game?" Lilith smiled and stood starting to feel the energy of her teammates as they ran off.

Hermione sat at the table, unmoving and stunned, her face a bright red tomato. Just then Some of her friends approached her,

"Hello, Hermione" Ginny waved a hand in front of her face,

"Gosh she hasn't looked like this since the basilisk," Ron muttered with a laugh, Ginny nudged him in the side. Hermione shook her head,

"Ron! don't you have a game to play?" Hermione looked at him shocked he was still at breakfast. His face fell slightly,

"Shit." He grabbed his things and ran off. Hermione took a breath and stood joining Ginny and Luna to head down to the pitch. Ginny nudged her in the side,

"Sooooooo..." She had a big smile on her face pleading with Hemrioen for info,

"Oh, you know we had breakfast. I chatted with her and her friends (such nice guys) and then we chatted a bit on our own and she had to run off," Hermione sounded pretty cool about the whole thing,

"And..." Ginny pressed, Hermione stopped the cover act, 

"And she kissed me on the cheek!" The giddiness finally breaks through. The two of them then began to rapidly talk about Lilith with Luna following behind making flower crowns out of flowers she picked as they walked.


Lilith stood at the door of the locker room that entered onto the pitch. She took a deep breath,

"come on lil' we got this!" The keeper for the Ravenclaw team nudged her with his fist holding his broom,

"yes I know Grant, Just a little distracted is all," Lilith admitted with a sigh,

"Got the third of the golden trio on your mind?" He laughed a bit, thinking he was being funny, Lilith nudged him jokingly,

"enough of that," She laughed with him a moment. The sound of the announcer was muffled by the large wooden door in front of them, She gave grant a fist bump and whispered, "let's win this!" And off they flew up into the air enjoying their moment before getting into positions. Hemione and her friends all sat in the Gryffindor seats and watched intently.

The game started off strong for Gryffindor. They had possession of the Quaffle for a large portion of the beginning game and made a fair few amounts of shots. But quickly The Ravenclaw team took control of the Quaffle and the pitch. Lilith was flying expertly and the snitch was being extra elusive that day.

Shot after shot, Ron played well, but was no match for Lilith, especially after Ravenclaw's loss earlier in the year. 10 points to Ravenclaw echoed throughout the stadium dozens of times. The game however was not boring in the slightest, As Ravenclaw was dominating the game with the Quaffle, Harry was the stronger seeker. Many close calls had this game at nail bitting status.

The game was long. With no team making enough progress to win, only the devout fans remained, the rest of the student body was spread out about campus enjoying the day off. The score was 170 Ravenclaw 20 Gryffindor with Harry gaining on the snitch. Lilith had possession of the Quaffle and made a mad dash to the hoops. Harry was flying as fast as he could reaching his arm out to the snitch and-

10 points to Ravencl- Harry potter has caught the snitch The game has ended.

Everyone was in silence in the stands. Most people didn't know the score at this point. The sounds of whispers were heard over the speaker. The exhausted quidditch players floated in the air glittering in sweat.

With 180 points Ravenclaw wins!

The Ravenclaw players shouted in victory. Hermione leaped up into the air in celebration with most of the Gryffindor fans watching slightly annoyed.

At the bottom of the stadium, Hermione waited anxiously. Her friends Harry and Ron exited the locker room first meeting the small group gathered for them,

"You all played really well, it was really close," Was muttered by many of their friends,

"Damn Harry that was close," Hermione smiled giving him a hug,

"If only I had the Nimbus 8000," He laughed with Hermione. The small group of friends chatted amongst each other outside of the stadium. The sounds of distant cheering were heard as Lilith exited the locker room. Many people tried to chat with her and pull her into their groups but she politely moved on. She walked up to Hermione. Hemione gave her a tight hug,

"Hello there," She said slightly shocked by the hug.

"You played brilliantly!" Hermione looked up smiling brightly at Lilith,

"Thank you," Lilith gave a warm smile back, "Harry," She looked up to harry and arm around Hermione, "You fought hard my friend, had me scared the whole time!" She reached out her free hand and they shared an informal Handshake,

"You must be 'the quidditch player' Hermione has been talking so much about," he added shooting a smile to Hermione,

"has she now?" Lilith inquired jokingly, "All good things I hope," She smiled Holding Hermione a little closer to herself.

"Oh Lilith!" Hermione remembered urgently, "We were going to go to Hogsmeade and get some butter beers, want to join?" Hermione gave a big hopeful smile,

"I do not want to intrude, but I would love to!" Lilith smiled warmly,

"We would love to have you there," added Harry. And the group began to walk off towards Hogsmeade. Hermione's hand proudly in Lilith's.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this, I know I did writing it. I hope all is well. I want to thank you all for the continued support, it has always made me feel great and I love you all for it. See ya later,


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