Part 15: Quidditch Match (2)

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The Gryffindor team flew out first, whipping by the stands causing Hermione's hair to blow across her face. Ginny laughed at the hair covering Hermione's face. Hermione just nudged her with feigned annoyance.

All of Gryffindor was cheering for their team as they flew around the pitch throwing their fists in the air and cheering. They flew into position when the Ravenclaw team flew out.

The keeper leads the team as they flew in a triangle-type pattern, behind the keeper flew the seeker and beaters followed by the chasers. They flew by quickly waving to the Ravenclaw stands cheering and clapping with their housemates.

Hermione watched as Lilith flew by the Gryffindor stands. She waved a little with a wink before speeding off to the starting formation. The quidditch uniform accentuated her muscular form. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail.

Lilith got into position with her fellow chasers and waited. Madam Hooch opened the box and pulled out the quaffle,

"Let's have a good clean game." She shouted before blowing her whistle and throwing the quaffle in the air.

Lilith leaned forward on her broom and sped towards the quaffle. She reached her arm out and caught it pulling it into her body she dodged the players elegantly as she flew up out of the mess of players.

Once she emerged from the crowd of students she tossed the quaffle to a teammate that was just ahead of her. Just as the quaffle left Lilith's hands a bludger flew just past her face.

Hermione watched tensely as the bludger flew by. she only sighed in relief when a beater hit it in the other direction.

Lilith weaved through some of the Gryffindor players as she moved further up the pitch. She watched as the Quaffle was thrown towards her. She reached her hand out and caught the quaffle. Almost immediately after catching the Quaffle did she throw it at the hoop.

Hermione gasped and held her breath as she watched the Quaffle fly through the air. Ron sat on his broom watching as the quaffle flew towards him.

"Come on Ron." Ginny and some of the other Gryffindor's shouted as they watched the ball fly towards him.

Just as Ron moved to block the quaffle it slipped through his defense and through the hoop. Hermione almost shouted in celebration before she heard.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw." She turned to see Ginny shouting,

"Damn it, Ron." Ginny had a frustrating demeanor and Luna reached for her arm to calm her. Hermione looked at the two of them and quickly spoke,

"Ronald." She feigned annoyance hoping they didn't notice her almost cheering for Ravenclaw. Her attention didn't shift from Lilith as she watched the chaser fly around a little in celebration before the play continued.  

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