Part 24: Gossip

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The Gryffindor common room was although not loud it was not silent either. A few people were scattered around either doing their homework or just chatting with their friends.  The sun had set and weeks had passed since Hermione's interaction with Lilith in the library, she had tried to avoid Lilith as much as possible since then, with much success. 

Hermione sat with a few of hers by the fire. Ginny and Luna had become more comfortable with cuddling with each other in front of their friends, although neither of them have actually made a move. Ron was complaining as per usual about how he couldn't find a girlfriend and Harry just sat there and shrugged, 

"Maybe you're just trying too hard Ron?" Harry cautiously suggested, Ron just hit him across the arm,

"What the bloody hell does that even mean Harry?!" Ron was not pleased with Harry's comment and quickly became offended which just caused the rest of their group to burst out laughing, "What?" He looked around in utter confusion,

"You know Ron, I think Harry's right, It's not like I was looking for someone when-" Ginny began to speak, but quickly cut herself off realizing what she was suggesting. Ginny was the only one who thought that nobody knew about her and Luna and it made Luna giggle in Ginny's arms, 

"But it's different with you two," Ron gestured to Ginny and Luna, Ginny visibly got a little more tense and hostile, 

"and what's that supposed to mean!" Ginny retorted, 

"I'm just saying-" Ron tried to justify himself, Hermione reached and arm out, 

"I have to agree with Ginny and Harry Ronald," she spoke hesitantly, not wanting to suggest anything, 

"and what do you know about having a girlfriend Hermione?" Ron questioned, slightly hostile in tone. Hermione raised her voice and quickly rebutted, 

"I know plenty-" Her eyes went wide when she realised what she said. She quickly tried to correct herself, stuttering, "I meant I know plenty about being a girlfriend," She turned away slightly shrinking in embarrassment, 

"Yea whatever," Ron dismissed the conversation at hand, 

"did you hear what happened to Draco last night?" Ginny leaned a little closer to the group, they all encouraged her to continue, "well apparently Draco and pansy, or blaise or was it-" ginny waved her arms dismissing her thought, "Draco and some buddies were snooping around the castle, doing what they do best and apparently they came across," Ginny paused everyone shouted at her to continue, "He came across some sore of hidden grotto or room or something, and some sketchy shit was in it, I mean I heard that there were creepy machines, others heard about bodies," Ginny looked at them seriously, they all dismissed her story, 

"oh please Ginny that's just Draco trying to get some notice," Ron sat back in his seat on the couch taking a bite of his snack that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, 

"No I swear, some even said that some cult shit is happening in the forbidden forest-" All of Ginny's friends mumble or groan in annoyance but she tires to continue, "AND-" 

"Ginny, seriously, are you going to believe every bit of gossip you come across," Hermione spoke gently to Ginny, 

"No," Ginny mumbled and stood quickly accidently knocking Luna back a bit. She muttered a sorry to Luna before running upstairs to her room, 

"I should probably go back to the Ravenclaw common room then," Luna stood with her wonder filled facial expression. She skipped off, without shoes, and back to her common room, 

"Ron can you-" harry gestured for Ron to leave. He looked at Harry confused taking a bite of some candy, 

"what?" his voice was muffled from the mouthful of candy he had. Harry Tried again to Gesture, but quickly gave up, 

"Can you just go, I want to to talk to Hermione alone," He looked at Ron. Ron raised his hands defensively and muttered as he took another bite of his candy and left for his room, 

"What it is Harry?" Hermione looked at him with slight concern, 

"I could be mistaken, but I can't recall the last time you messed up your wording," Harry gave her a knowing and warm smile, "and you can talk to me if you want to, I am your friend after all,"

"Good night Harry," Hermione's voice was soft as she walked off to her room and quickly fell asleep. She hadn't confirmed anything, but handt denied anything.


Hello loves thank you all for reading, also THANK YOU FOR 10K READS!!!!!! that is actually crazy. I do apologize for not updating as often as I wanted to. Thank you all for the support I love you all dearly, stay safe healthy and hopefully happy. 


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