Part40: Plans

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The golden sunlight shone through the windows cutting across Hermione's bed. Hermione grumbled in her groggy sleep state as she began to wake. The sounds of all kinds of creatures filling the morning air.

As her eyes flutter open a soft kiss was planted on her forehead. She couldn't help her blush, she seemed to be blushing constantly these days. A sleepy smile spread across her face as she looked up to Lilith. She was standing above her, dressed like she was leavening. Hermione reached a hand out to Lilith. Lilith's thumb rubbed the back of Hermione's hand,

"Are you leaving?" Hermione questioned, her voice deep from sleep. Lilith paused a moment holding Hermione's hand a little tighter,

"I have to deal with some things," she stopped looking at Hermione's face drop slightly, "but I'll be back before the end of the day, I could take you out?" The question hung in the air. A smirk spread across Lilith's face, "or we could stay in." She spoke in a heavily sultry tone. A chuckle followed the line.

"Sure! Just, let me know, I'll probably spend the day studying unless Harry and Ron drag me away." Hermione gave a sweet smile. Lilith nodded and with one last kiss on the cheek, left.

Hermione sat in her bed, processing. With a little giggle she stood. Quickly she gathered herself and made her way down to the dining hall. There sat Ron and Harry devouring their breakfast 

" 'mione!" Ron called waving Hermione over. She rolled her eyes discreetly and sat next to him on the bench. She grabbed her breakfast as Ron spoke, "we need to go check out the forbidden forest," he said as if she had been apart of the conversation that preceded this moment.  Harry reached out a hand to help her.

"Ron and I found some... things that suggest something... sinister has its home base in the forbidden forest. We want to go in and see if we can find anything, stop it." Harry summed up quickly, taking a sip from his goblet when he finished.

Hermione sighed, "can't we have one normal year?"

"Come on 'mione it'll be fun!" Ron added,

"Since when have you found any of this fun?" Hermione turn to him with disbelief plastered on her face,

Ron sighed "Ok so, maybe I'm exaggerating. But 'mione we really need you for this, lord knows we don't have the brains to keep us alive-"

"And hidden" Harry interrupted,

"And hidden. So, can you please help us? Just for today." Ron pleaded.

"Fine, Blut don't keep me out all day, I have plans later." Hermione added as she began to eat,

"What like studying?" Ron questioned,

"I don't have to tell you everything I do Ron," she took a sip from her goblet, "and no it's not studying, just hanging out with Lilith," she tired to hide her blush behind her goblet.

Ron and Harry 'ooh'ed, teasing. Hermione waved for them to quit it as she tried to eat her breakfast.

"Alright, we can head out after we eat, be back before the sun sets." Harry looked between his friends. They both nodded in agreement and turned back to their breakfast.

Thank you so much for reading, I know this is kind of a filler chapter but I'm trying to bring in some actual plot lmao. Love you all,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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