Part 11: Giddy

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After a little while longer of Hermione and Lilith enjoying each other's company Lilith spoke, 

"Alright, as much as I love this we should really head back now," Hermione playfully pouted and after a quick playful back and forth Lilith helped Hermione stand up and they walked back to Hogwarts arm in arm. 

Hermione looked up to Lilith towering over her as she clutched her arm. Once inside the castle, they snuck around the halls before eventually reaching the Gryffindor common room. Hermione stood with her back to the portrait entrance looking up and smiling at Lilith. 

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Hermione spoke softly a smile spreading across her face. 

"As did I," Lilith's voice was a warm crackling fire, she was clearly becoming tired, as was Hermione. A slight blush spread across Lilith's face as she spoke, "I hope we can do this again sometime." She smiled looking at Hermione. 

"As do I," Hermione said slightly mocking the way Lilith spoke. They both giggled at that. 

"Sleep well Hermione" Lilith spoke warmly and slightly sensually before letting Hermione turn and enter the common room. Once Hermione left Lilith went back through the halls of the castle towards the Ravenclaw common room. 

Once Hermione was on the other side of the door she sighed happily leaning against the door. She didn't even notice Harry and Ron still sitting by the fire, she just smiled almost like she was drunk all the way up the stairs and flopped onto her bed. 

She fell asleep to the thought of Lilith. Ron and Harry both watched as she made her way up the stairs and then looked at each other, 

"What's up with her?" Harry asked, 

"Probably swooning over some guy from those romance books she reads," They both laugh as they make their way up to their own rooms. 

Hermione dreamt of a life with Lilith outside of Hogwarts, one where they lived freely and happily. She was out and happy and all her friends and family were supportive and she was with the woman of her dreams. 

Her dream was not spoiled by the reality of her situation, that she was far from being out. 

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