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A con of having young parents.

They are always baby-cooking.

My mom was 16 when she had me and my dad was 17.

My mum has always been a gorgeous woman with her dark brown hair and hazel eyes. All the boys wanted her.

My dad on the other hand is average. Black hair, black eyes.

I take after my dad sadly.

They were in love and decided they wanted to start a family, so they got married and had a baby.


Cairo Deianira Nyx

An incident happened when I was around 2-years old and it ended in my father being infertile.

He was a cocky law student and talked bad about someone important.

The old firm he worked for got him out of the mess but the man he messed with beat him up and kicked his balls a few times.

Now he can't have kids.

If he could have kids, I would have so many siblings.

Like after I came home from school, they were violently making out on the sofa, not even acknowledging my presence.

After I got changed, I walked past my fathers office and heard noises no one should hear their parents make.

I have never wanted siblings.

I have the Russians.

Aksana and Fayina are my baby sisters and Anton is my baby brother.

Alik and Andrei are the over protective order brothers and everything is perfect.

Alik is working towards being a lawyer and the rest of us are still in high school.

Andrei is talking over the Russian mafia and we have been talking about me being the second in command.

Right now I lead my own division.

The Queen Division.

We take care of the rival mafias and larger gangs. We go to Russia 2 times a year to make sure the smaller gangs stay in their place.

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