7 | ᴛʀᴜsᴛɪɴɢ

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Why do we drink again?

I have no idea.

Being hungover sucks.

And we have to go to school.


Mum had laid an outfit on the bed.

Thank fuck for that

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Thank fuck for that.

I really cannot be bothered to brush my teeth so I just gargle some mouthwash and rinse my face with water.

I look like a zombie so I put a little bit of concealer on my hollow eye bags.

Stupid genetics.

Why do I get hollow eye bags.

I dress myself and make my way to my car.

I rarely eat breakfast as it always makes me sick.

Are we forgetting something. It feels like we are forgetting something.

Oh well.

I pull up into the school parking lot and park in my usual place.

Oh fuck me.
We have a geography trip today.

For fucks sake!

I groan loudly when I see the dreaded coach.

Maybe we should just go back home.

I do feel a temperature coming up.

Just as I start my car, someone slams on my window.

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