13 | ᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ

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Sometimes, father does worry me.

We had a lot of major changes made to our daily lives when dad's OCD worsened.

But I guess we are used to it now.

Me and Andrei rush after dad when he scrambled out of the room in panic.

We watch as he opens every single door and looks for something.

"Dad! What is it. We will help." I tell him.

"Cairo. I need to find her." He pants.

I nod my head and help him open all the doors and check for Cairo.

Our heads snap to a thud in the bathroom.

"No, no, no, no, no!" He runs to the door and pushed it open.

Cairo lays on the blood-splattered tiles in a haze.

We rush up to her as Vladimir lifts up her head and looks into her eyes.

"Do we have anyone on call?" He panics.

"It would be quicker if we just went to the hospital." I tell him, lifting Cairo into my arms.

Her head rolls around and falls backwards. Dad lifts up her head and places it on my shoulder.

"Let's go." He says picking up his car keys.

"Wait her parents!" Andrei stops us.

Dad rushes to pull out his phone and pulls up the cameras in the basement.

I see her parents still tied up on the chairs, fast asleep leaning against each other.

The bruises are healing.

He presses the warning symbol in the corner and picks up his keys once again, locking his phone.


"You are a failure! A disgrace to the Ilir bloodline!" My father sneers at me. All because I refused to kill an innocent women.

Right now I seriously wish I had fired a clean bullet wound in the middle of her forehead.

The exhilarating ecstasy of murder erupted in my body.

I could have groaned in pleasure from only imagining the intense feeling of killing someone.

But I would not let myself go.

I promised I would not kill any more innocents.

And I am very much regretting that decision.

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