21 | sʟᴏᴛʜ sᴛᴇᴘs

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My amazing peaceful slumber is disturbed by a petite hand slapping over my mouth.

My eyes open to see a Antoinette, Alik's daughter, floating over me with mischief written all over her small face.

She had the same grey/blue eyes as Alik and pale skin. She was a spitting image of her father other than her lips which were much fuller like her mothers.
Her hair was a brown, the same colour as her fathers, and naturally had a tight 3A curls.

"Hewo auntie Kai!" She giggles.

"Hey baby Ant, when did you get here?" I ask.

She shrugs in response.

I usually hate all children as they are sticky and whinge too much, but my little Ant and Cricket are the only acceptable kiddies.

"Come on Ant, let's go see what your mummy and daddy are doing. Where's your brother?"

"He's eating ceweal in the kitchen." She tells me as I pick her up and place her on my hip.

I trot down the stairs, Antoinette gripping me tightly, and walk to the kitchen, the cold tiles under my bare feet making my body temperature lower.

I see Anthony sitting at the dining table talking to Elio and giggling.

"Good morning, good morning!" I say.

I get a couple of grumbles back and one 'fûck off' from Anton.

I sit Ant down in the seat next to Anthony and then take a seat my self.

"Hello little cricket, how are you doing." I ask Anthony.

"I'm good auntie Kai!" He cheers.

"Me and Anthony were just talking about how he likes gardening." Elio tells me.

"Oh yes, Anthony is my little helper in garden, aren't you?" I say.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Anthony cheers.

Ant grumbles, upset that she wasn't getting as much attention as her big twin brother.

"And what's your name little one?" Elio asks Ant.

"Antoinette, but everyone calls me Ant." She says.

"Well hello Ant, what do you like." He questions.

"I like make-up!" She shouts.

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