16 | ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛʏ

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Rubbing whatever eye bogeys were remaining in my eyes, I walked into the last lesson till lunch, drama, twenty minutes late.

My mother let all the maids off when she was drunk and didn't inform me so I hadn't set an alarm.

"Mr Ilir, care to explain your late arrival." Mr Miles crosses his arms and juts out his hip slightly.

"I couldn't find a magazine for my gun." I sigh, dropping my bag down on the floor and slouching into the seat.

"Yes and I'm Kanye West." He scoffs. The one time I actually tell the truth.

I tune out whatever bullshit comes out of his mouth and close my eyes, needing to gather myself after a restless night.

You do have the best sleep when you're late.

A tap on my back startles me, causing me to grab the arm and twist it behind their back.

"What the fuck, you wanker i was trying to be nice." Lucifer groans. I let go of him mumbling a small apology.

"You were completely out of it all lesson. You doing okay?" he rolls his shoulder.

"I'm fine." I shrug, stepping out of the classroom.

He gives me a skeptical look but shrugs it off knowing I won't talk if I don't want too.

I feel a bug bite like sensation on my neck, making me slap whatever pest decided to bite me, but I freeze when I don't slap a bug but a small dart.

My eyelids begin to feel heavy. So heavy to the point were I can't even blink.

My head comes into contact with the tiles of the corridors as everything goes black.


I wake up to the sounds of hushed whispers.

"He's not dead you doughnut, he's literally breathing like a horse" One of the voices say.

My eyes flicker open, feeling much lighter then before, to reveal my three idiotic friends.

"He's alive!" Omar cheers.

"What the fuck." I say looking around to see the Russians discussing something in a circle and Cairo still unconscious laying in the middle of the circle.

"Are they sacrificing her or something?" I grimace looking at the ritual like act they were doing.

"Of course no- oh." Dante mimics my expression upon looking at the unusual bunch.

Cairo sits up with a small gasp and looks around.

She pulls a confused expression when she sees the huge Russian marking on the two-way glass mirror.

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