17 | ᴍᴇʀᴄʏ

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For the first time in a while, I actually managed to fall asleep when I was supposed too.

Sadly, this caused me to wake up at 4am.

And what else could I do than do a nice morning hit.

Finding a worthy victim on today's hit-list, I pack up my usual bag.

I specialise in knives as it's the most efficient way for the Kali venom to enter the bloodstream. In the circumstance where I do need to use a gun, I can easily lace some bullets.

Today's lucky victim is Jerome Jacky. 18 years old. A three year old son. Girlfriend of 4 years. Rookie street dealer. He got involved with the wrong gang. Accidentally dealt in their ends.

Walking up into the flat block, I smile at the elderly lady carrying her shopping in. I laugh when I see her drop all her oranges as I jog up the stairs.

Knocking on door 109, I take out a trench knife from my bag and hold it behind my back.

Jerome opened the door, his eyes widened when he sees me. He tries to shut the door on me but I put my boot in the way.

I walk in and close the door behind me, giving Jerome a clear view of my knife.

I turn around to face him, seeing him with his hands in the air and a petrified look on his face.

"My kids asleep. Try and keep it as quite as possible please." He whispered.

"What's his name?"


"Why'd you do it." He looks at me confused,"Get into dealing."

"Kid needs an expensive surgery. Something to do with his breathing. I needed money."

"And you couldn't have gotten a job?" I raise my brows.

"Didn't have enough qualifications." He bows his head slightly.

I place the knife on his stomach and begin to push it in.

"Tell him I love him." He whispers.

A strange feeling overcomes me. I almost felt sorry for him.
I push the knife all at once.

No emotions.

The two toned blood trickles down his chin, dripping on the laminated floor.

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