10 | ғᴏʀɢɪᴠɪɴɢ

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I walk into my house, somewhat sober as Cairo made me down 2 bottles of water so I did not get into trouble with my father.

How considerate, right?

I half stumble in and walk through the silent house.

A hand touches my shoulder and I go into defence mode but abruptly stop when I see Florence.

A wave of anger flows over me and my rule of never hurting a woman disintegrates.

"Your father wants you in his office." She tells me, and skips merrily back to wherever hole she crawled out of.

I glance at a mirror on the wall and see my scruffy appearance.

A grimace makes its way onto my face. I should probably sort myself out.

I decide on having a quick shower and walk to the safety of my room.

I turn the thermostat to 40°C because I am rich and I can.

Also because crying in a steamy boiling hot shower hits different.

I stripped out of the damp-smelling clothes and ease my way into the water, cascading from the ceiling shower heads.

The odd tear fell out while I shampooed and conditioned my hair.

I did not feel as heavy as usual.

Not like weight, but emotionally, I feel relieved.

When my skin is practically numb, I decided that I have had enough and turn the water off.

I wrap a towel around my waist and stare into my reflection.

I am good looking. I do know it.

My eyes are a shades of blue and my hair is naturally a dark brown.

I have a sharp V Cupid's bow and decent lips. My father always asks if I am gay when he sees me apply lip balm.

I have my my mothers sharp cheekbones and jaw as well as her petite, pointed nose, that is crooked die to the many times I've broken it.

I stand at around 6'5 thanks to my father.

I sadly also inherited my fathers slow metabolism, but the constant gym visits and random jogs defiantly make a difference.

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