18 | ᴛʀɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ

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^ Cairo and Elio's cliff view :)

^ Cairo and Elio's cliff view :)

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The horrendous sound of my ringtone wakes me up from a spectacular sleep.


"What." My croaky voice asks.

"What's your address?" A masculine voice says.

"838 Chain Drive." I mummer.

The sound of the phone cutting off makes me peek at the phone and see that it was a private number that had called me.

I feel for the gun under my pillow before closing my eyes and proceeding to fall back into my heavenly sleep.


The familiar, addicting smell of Tobacco and Cedar attaches itself to my nostril hair.


My nose twitches as my eyes flutter open. I sit up and see a person, who I'm assuming is Elio, sitting at my desk, on my spinny chair, looking out at the view of the city.

Not the spinny chair!

"What are you doing in my house?" I ask

"You gave me your address." He replies, not looking away from the window.

"Oh, that was you?" I yawn.

His head shoots over to me as he glares.

"You didn't know it was me! So you just gave your address to a stranger. Is this a normal thing?" He rambles.

"I'm alive aren't I?" I say

He scoffs turning around and ripping the duvet away from me.

"Get up and get dressed, we're going out."

"Where to?" I ask

"A picnic." He replies.

"What the hell am I supposed to wear to that?"

"You've never been to a picnic?" I shake my head no which makes his roll his eyes.

"Don't worry about what you need to wear, go do what you need to do." He tells me.

I pull myself up with a slight struggle and walk into the bathroom.

I'm glad I made the decision of leaving my underwear in the bathroom.

I strip off my clothes and hop into the shower. I don't bother washing my hair because I hate blow drying it and air drying takes too long.

Putting on a matching hot pink underwear set, I wrap my towel back around myself and walk out the bathroom to find an outfit laid nicely on my now made bed.

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