20 | sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ

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^ Cairo's room at the Russian :)

^ Cairo's room at the Russian :)

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After calling Vladimir, I sit down at Cairo's desk chair, my leg bouncing up and down in anticipation.

Will she be okay.

My worrying is cut off by the front door slamming open and a stampede of footsteps sounding through the hallways.

Alik barged into the room, gun raised, followed by the rest of the family.

"Why the fuck would you worry us like that!" Vladimir yells, looking over at Cairo's seemingly unharmed body.

"She was drugged." I tell them.

"What! That's impossible. She trained herself to be practically immune to most of these drugs?" Alik says.

"Well clearly not!" I tell them.

"Pick her up, take her to our house. We'll meet you back there." Vladimir instructs me.

I walk up go her and peel the blanket from her sweaty body.

She was still knocked out, her breathing quick and sharp, her heart beating at an irregular pace.

I walk down to my car and lay her out on the backseats of the car, picking up my black jacket from the seat and draping it over her pale figure.


The entire Alexi/Petrova family gathered around a table in one of the many meeting rooms in the ginormous house.

"We can't be 100% sure on what drugs where given and by who until Cairo wakes up." Vladimir says.

"Actually we can," Anton speaks up, "I found this in her dress pocket." He slides a small square piece of paper with an 'ace' symbol scribbled on it.

"That bastard..." I grumble.

"Who gave Cairo the drink in the first place?" Alik asked.

"Me. She had half a glass earlier and a whole glass just before we left. I picked up both the glasses from one of the waiters tray." I tell them.

"Right, I'll get everyone one of the staff in the building right now" Vladimir says, standing up and going to make the phone call.

"What were the symptoms she had?" Alik questions, "We might be able to find out that way."

"Sweaty, irregular heartbeat and she was getting very pale." I inform them.

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