9 | ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ

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Every Sunday, we all drop whatever we are doing and have a movie night together as a family.


Just us.

Today, we are watching the entire Toy Story series.

Of course requested by moi.

We are not happy though.

An incident happened yesterday and I am not doing to well.

At all.

ʟᴀsᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ

After my mission, Vladimir informed me that the Ilir's would be staying late for yet another night.

I was not to mad, one because Vladimir apologised profusely and two because I was tired anyway.

I was covered in black blood so I did not want my parents seeing me.

Father would have been home by this time.

My room happens to be right next to my fathers office, so when I walked past, I unintentionally heard a conversation I should not have.

"Aksel darling, she is our daughter. We could not possibly do that to her." My mother insists.

When I heard my name, I decide to stay and listen some more.

"Lilith, she really needs it. She is crazy for god's sake. And beside Griffith is only 2 hours away. We can visit her anytime." He begins.

Griffith the nut house?

"Landon (therapist) works there and says it is a lovely place that will genuinely help her. You trust Landon do you not?" He continues.

Landon our 'therapist'?!

"All I am saying is, she has been under observation for 10 years and she has not improved whatsoever. In fact they think she is getting worse. What happens when the government figure out what she is doing. It will not be long." He says again.

Landon is a fucking snake.

I decide that the urge to snap my parents neck is getting too strong so I quietly go to my room and lay in bed, bloody clothes and all.

I pick up my favourite Teddy from the middle of my bed.

"Do you think I am crazy, blossom?" I whisper to the worn-out dog stuffie.

My own parents, my only blood want to send me away.

You were always a nuisance.

I know.

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