chapter 2

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Embarrassed thought/feeling
Same with regular bold text
(My input)
Underline alone is just for emphasis
Now on to the story......


Katsuki's POV:
There's no fucking way.




I stand there in awe like an idiot.

He stands there awkwardly, probably because were just staring at him like total fucking creeps.

He clears his throat and snaps us out of our trance.

" Wow, Your'e Deku?! Our new teacher?!" Shitty hair exclaimed.

"yeah no shit."

" This is awesome!" Pikachu said excitedly.

"Please call me Mr. Midoriya, what are your names?"

"Kaminari Denki!"

"Ejirou Kirishima!"


"Katsuki Bakugo, Correct? You did amazing in the sports festival!" deku said with a smile.


The two idiots kept fangirling, while I made my way to my desk.

I was blushing immensely, the Number One Hero just complemented me!

Crap now I sound like a fangirl.

I would never admit it but I actually was a big fan of Deku's.

He's the main reason I want to be a hero.

Also the main reason why i'm ga-

*aggressive coughing*

"Hey, are you okay?" Deku asked.

Holy shit his voice oh my go-

"Yeah, i'm fine."

I was not fine.

The fact that we were in the same room baffled me.

The fact that he talked to me felt like a dream.

The fact that he complemented me was surreal.

And dear god.

His outfit.

How did I not notice this before?

(He was wearing a suit)

Why did it have to be so tight?

I swear I can see everything.

I'm not complaining either.

I could get used to seeing this everyda-

"....kugo, Bakugo, BAKUGO" shitty hair called.

"What the fuck do you want shitty hair?!"

"Katsuki Bakugo, please pay attention class is starting." deku called.

"Tch, w-whatever."


You cant blame me!

It's the second time he's said my name, but this time he sounded so-

I feel myself blush so I turn to face the window could hear the charger and shitty hair laughing behind me.

They start mocking me by saying.


"W-w-w-w-w-what d-did you s-say b- bakubro?"

I take a mental note to scream at them later.

Then someone next to me starts laughing.

I turn to see,




Before I get the chance to yell De- Mr. Midoriya says,

"All right the first week will be relatively easy this is my first year teaching so don't expect me to be good."

"Also the seats you have now will be permanent, unless you give me a good reason."


"I would introduce myself but I have a feeling that's not necessary", he says with a smirk that made my knees go weak.

Deku POV:

The class starts laughing.

"So I decided to have you all complete a test."

The laughter quickly turns into groans.

"Don't worry! It's just to get to know you all better! I'm not that mean!"

The thing is... I am that mean, there were some getting to know you questions.

As well as review from last year, some advanced questions and one trick question.

They all seemed relieved which made me laugh. So far they seemed like an interesting and fun group.

I'm looking forward to getting to know them, and teaching of course.

Kirishima and Kaminari were interesting, definitely a funny duo. Uraraka was really nice, she was blushing the entire time we talked though.

Maybe she's just really shy?

Well I'll figure it out as I get to know them.

Tenya lida reminds of his brother, they are both very........ well you know. Tensei is my best friend, we've known each other since my first year at UA.

Kirishima's quirk reminds me of Crimson Riot's, another close friend of mine. Maybe he takes inspiration from him? I'll ask later.

And then there's,

Katsuki Bakugo.

Interesting to say the least.

Definitely looking forward to teaching him in particular.

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