Chapter 20

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3rd Person POV:
After their 2 week honeymoon was over, they headed home and started their married life as Izuku and Katsuki Midoriya. Life was great for them, and time seemed to fly by, and before you know it,  certain thoughts started to creep into a certain blondes head.

Katsuki POV:
"I can't believe we've been married for a year already" I whispered quietly. I woke up at 10 a.m., it's my day off today and tomorrow. Deku will be home around 3. I assume he left at 7:30 as usual. I love that damn nerd, though I am sad he didn't wake me up so I could see him off.

'I wonder what it'd be like to have a family with him'

Woah, where the fuck did that thought come from?

No, it's too soon for those kind of thou-

Mini dekus, blonde hair, green eyes, or green hair, and red eyes, or exact copies of both of us, a little princess to dress up and spoil, or a little man o teach how to be better than the ext-

Fuuuuuuuck! I really need to stop thinking these thoughts! It's too soon for kids and we're both men!



3rd Person POV:
Before he knew it, it was already 11 a.m., and Katsuki had been laying in bed thinking about this for a whole hour.

He decided to get up and take a shower, get dressed, and head downstairs.

On his way downstairs, he couldn't help but look at all the empty rooms on his way, and feeling lonely. He thought of talking to Izuku about it, but decided not to for fear of being rejected and the thought of being told it was too soon for kids.

Katsuki heated up his breakfast that Izuku left for him that morning all wrapped up with a cute note.

Izuku always did this, leaving him breakfast with a note if he ended up having to leave before Katsuki got up in the mornings.

Katsuki watched some tv, scrolled through his social media, and eventually knocked out around 1 p.m., only to awaken to the sound of the front door closing and and his husband calling out to him.

"Kacchan! I'm home, it's so quiet... are you bu-"

"I thought you weren't supposed to be home until 3 it's barely 2:30 p.m." Katsuki said sitting up with a yawn.

His messy hair was so cute it made Izuku smile.

Katsuki got up from the couch with a little stretch and walked up to Izuku to give him a welcome home kiss and hug. Izuku already having his arms open for Katsuki as this was normal for both of them if one ever got home before the other.

He'd already decided that he would talk to Izuku about it over dinner tomorrow as he and Izuku both had tomorrow off.

Katsuki look behind the tv to see a giant picture hanging on the wall, it was their wedding photo and felt just a little smug at the fact he was the one to bag Izuku instead of one of the other extras as he likes to call them.

Now Izuku wanted to talk to Katsuki about the idea of children as he had a dream he couldn't forget last night. Though, he didn't want Katsuki to think he was trying to pressure him into it or anything! He was fine with not having kids if that what Katsuki wanted!

He didn't know how to approach the subject. Katsuki never said or indicated anything about wanting kids, as he always called them brats.

But, Izuku personally thought his kacchan would make a great parent some day.

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