Chapter 21

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3rd Person POV:
As they sat in the living room of Inko Midoriya, Katsuki couldn't help but notice the pictures of izuku from his childhood to now hung up on the walls.

You could tell Inko devoted herself to raising him by herself and absolutely loved her son unconditionally.

Izuku and Inko were talking about random topics such as work, how everything's been lately, and if he and Izuku have been eating good.

They spent a good portion of their morning there finally leaving at one in the afternoon.

They then went on their way to the Bakugo residence a.k.a Kacchans parents house.

Masaru welcomed them at the door while Mitsuki prepared some tea and snacks.

"So I hope this brat of ours is treating you well Izuku?" Mitsuki questioned.

Katsuki was offended she'd dare think he wouldn't treat his life partner well.

Fucking old hag thinking I'm not good enough for the damn ner-

Katsuki's thoughts were interrupted by masaru saving the day.... For now.

"W-what your mother meant to say was that we hope the married life has been treating you both well?" Masaru said with a smile.

Looking directly at his son.

Katsuki didn't wanna argue with his mother.

So he just answered his father with,

"Yeah, it's been great and this nerd likes to spoil me with affection. Even though it's annoying as fuck...... I don't mind." He whispered the last part.

Katsuki kept a straight face but held Izuku's hand to not show his embarrassment.

He leaned a little more into Izuku's side.

Mitsuki was surprised, usually Katsuki would start a screaming match with her but he seems to have calmed down a bit since being married.

Despite being bitchy she did love her son, she just has a hard time connecting with him without it trying into a screaming match.

While Izuku and Mitsuki were in their own conversation, masaru decided to catch up with his son.

Katsuki had always gotten along with his father better than his mother so he felt comfortable enough to talk to his father about anything.

Sometimes he wishes he could be a kid again and wake up to his mother making pancakes and his father gently shaking him awake for school.

"So Katsuki, what's going on? I can tell something's on your mind son." Masaru said calmly.

"I just wanted to see you today dad. It's weird not seeing you everyday anymore." Katsuki said with a sigh.

Masaru understood. He missed seeing Katsuki asleep with his door wide open as he passed in the halls.

He couldn't believe his little boy was all grown up and married now. Living with his husband away from home.

Even if said home was only an hour drive away.

They caught up on everything they've missed out on. Even Mitsuki and Katsuki talking about different recipes to trade.

A while later Izuku stood up and reminded Katsuki they still had shopping to do. As it was already 3:50 p.m.

After they said their goodbyes, hugs, and handshakes.

Izuku and Katsuki were soon arriving at the mall with Izuku immediately running to to get his ground zero body pillow that was just released.

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