Chapter 14

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3rd Person POV:
Izuku thought he had everything he needed in his life.

Friends, family, money, fame and support from around the world.

Up until he met Katsuki he realized that wasn't enough.

He really did like him. But the circumstances just weren't ideal.

Nevertheless things were fine for a while, up until that dreaded day in which Katsuki saw the ring.

Izuku thought he had cleared things up with Katsuki.

So he was confused when Katsuki only continued to ignore him. He tried constantly to get his attention or make him stay after school, but he never budged.

This went on for a long time.

And they were nearing the end of the school year.

He refused to give up though. He might not be able to win him back but he had to know why.

It hurt too much for him to just let go.

It caused too much of a void in his life. And only Katsuki could fill it. He at least had to try.

There was a month left of school, and Izuku decided that he couldn't stand this any longer. So a few minutes before class ended he dismissed his students early.

He stood at the door as they left and made sure to shut it and lock it before Katsuki could leave.

"What the hell?! Let me go!" Katsuki yelled.


He froze, and locked his gaze on the doorknob before harshly saying,


Mr. Midoriya took a hold of his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"What's wrong?, You've been avoiding me for a month, What did I do?"

Katsuki scowled at the reminder, so he bitterly replied,

"Cut the bullshit Deku. I would've realized sooner or later and dumped your ass."

Deku gave him a confused look that only angered him even more,

"Found out what?"

He sighed frustratingly and pried Izuku's hands off of him before saying,

"You're still not over your divorce! ASSHOLE!"

The silence that ensued only made Katsuki more that he was right, in reality Izuku was in shock.

He looked back at that day and remembered how he wore the ring. He had it all figured out, before he could open his mouth though Katsuki was opening the door and preparing to leave.

He pulled Katsuki back and shut the door again.

"Wait! You have it all wrong! I'm not still hung up on my ex! I swear!", He yelled frantically.

"STOP LYING! I saw that you still wore the fucking ring! I'm not dumb! I refuse to be a fucking rebound despite my feelings for you! and you expect me to believe you when you still wear the fucking ring!"

"No! Katsuki, let me explain!"

"Fuckin' do it then!"

"I am not using you as a rebound, and I don't wear the ring anymore, I got rid of it. I would only wear the ring as a reminder of Tensei...... I admit I wasn't completely over him then but then I met you."

Katsuki's heart fluttered and he felt his face grow warm, he was still mad though.

"When we divorced we stopped talking, hence why I still had the ring. So when he came to work here I planned to give it to him."

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