Chapter 27

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3rd Person POV:
Once everything was calmed down and everyone was sitting in the living room, Mina explained.

She had caught her lover cheating on her after she had just got home from patrol, a few nonths ago.

Instead of being sorry, or apologizing, her then boyfriend started abusing her and she couldn't take it any longer.

She had stayed because no one would believe a Pro-Hero could ever be in an abusive relationship, even less that she couldn't fight back.

The blame would all go on her. She explained that she packed a bag and lied to him that she was going on a mission for a week.

Waited til he was drunk and walked out the door hoping Katsuki and Izuku wouldn't mind her staying.

She already tried everyone and they all said they couldn't help her.

Even sweet kirishima had turned her away.

She cried once more and Katsuki pulled her into him and deku and they both held her while she cried.

Izuku noticing she exhausted herself tired, picked her up and brought her to the guest bedroom right across the hall from his and kacchans upstairs.

Katsuki not too far behind him already dialing the idiot squads numbers to give them an earful.

Katsuki and Izuku went outside to their backyard.

~on the phone with kiri~

*Ring* *click*

Kiri: hey kats, how's it going man!

Katsuki: why TF fuck didn't you help her you dumbass???!!!!

Kiri: look bakubro, I would but she's my ex and my current boyfriend doesn't like the idea of her staying with us.


After talking for a bit longer denki joined the call and explained he's still a bit insecure about mina being kirishimas ex and as much as he loves Mina like a sister he doesn't want her staying in their apartment.

( Mina my baby, you do not deserve any of this, denki I'm taking away your Pikachu stuffie)

Katsuki realized how much of an ass Kaminari turned out to be after becoming a pro.

Kirishimas just too nice to upset his Kaminari.

They ended up in an argument that ended with katsuki yelling for to never come near him or Mina again until Kaminari pulled his head out of his ass.

A week later Mina was taking everything so hard. Especially because as soon as the day passed and and she didn't return home. Her now ex would surely look for her.

She knew no one would believe he was abusive, toxic and overall a bad guy.

Because her own mother who she cried to time and time again. Laughed and asked what kind of "pathetic" hero let's themselves get abused. Claiming Mina was only lying and looking for attention.

That broke her mentally. Her own mother not believing her.

She didn't know why the woman always seemed to hate her growing up. Mina only wanted her mother to love her. Her father sadly passed when she was just a toddler. So she hardly knew anything about the man.

She knew he obviously loved her with everything he had, well she assumed going off videos she found in the attic from before her birth and after she was born.

Some videos even addressed to her while he was obviously in a hospital bed knowing he wouldn't make it, and enough letter written for every occasion to last until her 30th birthday.

"Kats can we talk?" Mina asked hesitantly.

Katsuki looked up from the storybook he was reading to his unborn child. Putting the book away.

"Sure, ashi" he said opening his arms knowing the girl wanted some type of comfort, but too scared to ask.

Katsuki by this point was scared for Mina since he'd never seen the energetic bubbly girl, so quiet, so reserved. It even worried Izuku.

Mina obviously had bruising all over her body she hid with makeup.

They only found out when she passed out in her bedroom fresh out of a shower too and Katsuki found her with makeup in hand and bruises on her body.

Izuku was pissed that someone he regarded as important to Katsuki so therefore important to him was beaten and bruised and the abuser was still walking.

Today was the last day of her week long *Mission*, obviously when she doesn't show up at home the bastard will come looking for her.

Katsuki despite being pregnant had been wanting a reason to beat the life out of someone, well looks like his target will come around any day now.

He even has a baseball bat in case Mina wants revenge.

(Katsuki, no🤦🏽‍♀️ you are married to the current half retired #1 hero love, you need to cover your tracks..... I'll helpppp☺️)

Izuku will officially be retired completely once the child is born, insisting he wants to be a stay at home office husband.

Still working on heroics but strictly paperwork only. Since he'll be retired officially but still have his agency to run as their boss.

He already planned on only going to the office if needed.

Other than that he's a house husband.

Mina by this time was already explaining to to Katsuki she wanted to go get all her things she left behind since she knows he'll be gone to the bar for the night once it hit 7.

When 7 rolled around Izuku and Katsuki with Mina in the backseat pulled up and watched him leave, waited for around 10 mins then went and collected all her things.

Officially moving her into their home.

Mina actually confided in them that she was ace but still felt romantic feelings sometimes, mostly platonically romantic, since she wasn't so big on having sex.

Explaining it felt weird and uncomfortable for her most of the time. But she did feel like it sometimes though only rarely.

Katsuki now understood why kiri broke up with her in their second year at UA.

Kiri used to complain to him often that it felt like Mina never wanted to do it with him and he had a big drive and eventually they ended up breaking up.

Since Mina only ever wanted to rarely and it felt like she only wanted the romance but nothing sexual, if only asking for it once in awhile.

It explained everything now. Katsuki understood. Izuku on the other hand didn't understand why Kaminari obviously started disliking Mina if she was long over kirishima. The two had nothing to do with each other now.

They told her she could stay forever if she wanted and that she was more than welcome to lay with Katsuki since she was fond of cuddling with him for comfort.

It gave Izuku a peace of mind to know Katsuki had someone at home to help with the pregnancy and all that, when Izuku couldn't be home.

Izuku came to hold Mina as a very close friend after getting to know more of her throughout the week.

He would protect her if that ex of hers ever came around causing trouble.

And cause trouble he did.

A/N: yeah I'm dealing with alot of issues while trying to be as supportive as I can of my friend. I love her but she needs me more than I need Wattpad.

Also enjoy the update;) I've got now until Sunday free so expect more updates, already writing the next chapter.

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