Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV:

You may be thinking,

How blind are they to not notice an engagement ring?

As well as,

Who in the hell is this guy married to?!

To be completely honest I have no idea either.

they'd been in his class for 3 months so how the fuc-

Needless to say,

Nobody had a clue.

As for the first question, nobody seemed to notice due to the fact that Mr. Midoriya almost never wore it, and when he did it wasn't for long.

It may sound sad, but for all we know it could mean nothing.


Now for the second question,

Mr. Midoriya was the number one hero, so his personal life should've been difficult to hide.

But for some reason there was absolutely nothing about him being in a relationship.

Sure there were some rumors. But nothing more than gossip.

The only thing close to a partner he had ever gotten to was Endeavor.

And NO.

They were not dating.

As far as we know,

They were the two #1 Hero's.

But due to Endeavor's incompetence and insatiable desire to be the only number one hero, it didn't last very long.

Making Deku the #1 hero, and Endeavor the #2.

Midoriya tried to make amends but as we all know that didn't work out very well.

Maybe that explained why Todoroki and Deku had grown close, because they shared a hatred towards Endeavor.

This was one of many reasons Todoroki had also grown to have feelings towards Izuku.

Mr. Midoriya had grown close with each of his students, but Todoroki in particular he had grown the closest with.

He couldn't explain why.

It was most likely their personality's, along with the fact that Todoroki was the top student.

Enabling him to be the center of attention most of the time.

Constantly being praised by Mr. Midoriya, and having more opportunities.

Many in class 1-A believed that Todoroki had for sure won the battle.

He was definitely the favorite student.

They weren't blind.

(yet they failed to notice the ring???-)

Some had even accepted defeat.

But not Bakugo.

He was furious.

(Get your mans honey😤💅🏼)

He would not stand by and watch the 'Icy-Hot Bastard' get what he wanted.

He was extremely jealous.

And in need of attention constantly.

He was kind of like a toddler.

But don't tell him I said that

Whenever Todoroki would be praised by Mr. Midoriya he'd do something to catch his attention.

Due to this,

Todoroki and Bakugo were constantly one-upping each other. They'd constantly find ways to spend more time with Mr. Midoriya.

For example: It was a warm Thursday afternoon and the students of Class 3-A were taking a test.

Izuku POV:
*3rd month of school*


"Alright everyone you have 20 minutes left to complete your test!"

I had handed out a test when they came in, it was about Trigonometry, along with some questions on scenarios and how to deal with them, regarding quirks and safety regulations.

What you thought they'd only earn about catching bad guys?

They still needed an education.

Of course they hated this, but hey I don't make the rules.

There was one question in particular that was very advanced.

I wasn't expecting for anyone to get it, it was very difficult and you'd have to be extremely astute to finish it, much less get it correct.

I had given everyone the entire class period to finish. I remember trigonometry being a total pain, and what made it worse is that Aizawa only gave us half the period to do it.

I somehow managed to not fail that class, heck laced it.

He definitely made life difficult, but he was by far my favorite teacher.

Don't tell All Might!

(I'm telling all might *dialing all might #*😂)

I am currently grading a few papers from the previous week, while my students have a mental breakdown because they forgot to study, therefore having no clue as to what they are supposed to do.

I start laughing thinking of Tensei scolding me for not studying, then asking me,

"Hey, what's the answer for number 6?"

I sigh.

I miss him.

It's been a while since we've seen each other.

Who knew becoming Hero's would pull us apart?

We promised to stay in contact and make a Hero agency together.

Some things just don't work out.

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