Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV:
Ignoring the obvious bad news that is to come.

The following month was great for Izuku and Katsuki. They spent a lot of time after school together in order to get to know each other and other things.

But they never went too far.

Katsuki was still his student after all.

Deku didn't mind waiting but Katsuki thought otherwise.

He believed Izuku would grow bored and leave him for someone else. He brought this to his attention and yet he denied it. Though Katsuki still had his doubts.

Deku was a celebrity. It was common sense that he'd been with people before.

There were news articles each week speculating over his love life. They either implied he was seeing models, actresses, or the infamous Mt. Lady or Midnight.

And many other beautiful women. Izuku always ignored the statements as he thought they were silly, this
really bothered Katsuki.

Izuku could have anyone at the snap of his fingers. It was reasonable for Katsuki to be worried.

He couldn't help but feel jealous when rumors came up on the news. They would show Izuku talking to beautiful women.

How could Katsuki ever compare?

In order to gain Katsuki's trust Izuku decided to tell him about Tensei. He figured that by telling him his biggest secret it would prove how highly he thought of and trusted Katsuki.

This shocked him though. Izuku had been married. To lida's brother no less.

How was this not public?

Izuku explained how it didn't last long hence why it was never brought to the public eye, he preferred it that way. Katsuki was glad Izuku trusted him with this information and felt a bit better about the whole situation.

But.... Tensei?! Speaking of Tensei......

Let's go back about....3 days.

-3 days Before-

Now, you may not remember but Aizawa and Present Mic decided to adopt children. Due to this Aizawa decided to retire from being a teacher/pro hero in order to spend time with his kids. Deku then replaced him and worked along side Present Mic.

Things were becoming a bit hectic for Aizawa and Mic felt it wasn't fair that he wasn't spending much time with the children or helping out Aizawa. Hence why he also decided to retire.

So on Saturday evening the staff of UA bid farewell to Present Mic. It consisted of lots of loud crying, which i'm sure you know who the culprit is and a slightly annoyed Aizawa.

This is great and all. Though who would replace Present Mic?

Endeavor was an easy no, since his own kid was in the school, and the past rivalry with Deku. Deku was already working there, and all other heroes weren't interested or qualified.

All but one..... Tensei lida.

Sure his brother attended the school but Nezu thought it was a great idea. He had been working at the school around the time Deku and Tensei were attending as students, he had seen how well they worked together.

And so he thought that making them work together would work out really well.
This is how the unannounced marriage/Divorce ended up biting Izuku in the ass.

-Back to Present Time-

It was a depressingly dull Tuesday morning and Mr. Midoriya was headed to school at an ungodly hour. He had received an email the day prior explaining he had to show up an hour early for reasons he was too lazy to continue reading about.

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