Chapter 22

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3rd Person POV:
They were both really anxious and waiting on Saturday to arrive.

They'd already called Izukus friend and booked the appointment.

They really wanted to get started on making their family.

-time skip to Saturday-

Saturday arrived and they both were in the clinic lobby where Izukus friend worked.

"Mr. Katsuki Midoriya?" A nurse called as soon as she walked in with her clipboard.

Katsuki stood up with Izuku and they were shown to a room to wait.

"Now, the doctor will be in shortly please be patient" the nurse said before walking out.

A few seconds later a woman walked in.

"Hello, My name is Nyx Ito, you can just call me nyx, no need to be formal since I've know Izuku for a long time.

(The doctor is me 😊)

How are you Izuku, and who's the lovely gentlman?" She asked.

"He's Katsuki my husband!" Izuku said happily.

"Hello Katsuki, or do you prefer to be called by your married name" nyx asked reaching out to shake hands.

"You can call me Katsuki" Katsuki answered taking her her hand for a quick handshake, before placing his hand back in his lap.

"Now I know you're here because you're interested in being the one to carry the children in the relationship, correct?

I'd could've sworn Izuku was a bottom he's too much of a sweetheart." She said.

"Yes, I am the husband, and no, I can confirm he's not as sweet as he looks" Katsuki said with smirk making Izuku blush.

"Don't expose me kacchan" Izuku said in what sounded like a whine.

(Please expose him, I have many questions😚😂)

"Alrighty then, let's get started please lie back and take off your shirt for me.

And let's get started" she said.

After about 20 minutes of using her quirk.

Katsuki feeling a bit of stinging since he's having his body basically rearranged to be able to conceive and carry children.

They were done.

"Now I'm sure you know everything since Izuku has said he explained that this is non-reversible.

And good luck on starting your family." She said shaking hands with the both of them.

After Katsuki put back on his shirt they went home and started preparing for everything.

Katsuki and Izuku stopped by Inkos house to let her know and she gave them tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy for when they do conceive.

Izuku was also shocked to learn his mother was now dating the retired Toshinori Yagi.

Making the former pro-hero all might his new step father.

Katsuki had a field day from the face Izuku pulled when Toshinori answered the door instead of his mother.

They were currently sitting in the living room, with Izuku asking questions.

"How long have you been seeing my mother Toshinori" he asked.

(Uh oh😰 he serious he using all mights first name)

"Izuku, my boy, I've been seeing your mother for two years now" he answered.

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