Chapter 3

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Embarrassed thought/feeling
Same with regular bold text
(My input)
Underline alone is just for emphasis
Now on to the story......

3rd person POV:
Mr. Midoriya hands out the tests, and everyone begins to fill out the questions.

He made his way back to his desk at the front of the classroom and situated himself.

He began to review the following activities the would do later on today, such as resistance training and light combat training.

All to observe each student's quirks and what they needed to work on, as well as having a better understanding on what type of training he was required to teach in order for them to be pushed to their limits, and succeed.

At one point Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero realized it was an actual test and began to complain.

Mr. Midoriya was quick to say,

"One more word and you instantly fail. Got it?"

That seemed to shut them up.

10 minutes passed by and the majority of the class had turned in their tests.

Mr. Midoriya had already finished grading and decided to get up and walk around the room to see if anyone was struggling with anything.

There were only a few students left such as Kaminari, Kirishima and Mineta.

He examined Kirishima's paper and noticed that he had answered 'Crimson Riot', for his inspiration, as well as for the question, 'Who is Your Favorite Hero?"

He commented,

"Crimson Riot huh?"

Kirishima nervously nodded, making him grin in amusement.

"He's a close friend of mine, I could introduce you sometime."

And with that he walked towards Kaminari, leaving Kirishima in a state of shock.

Kaminari on the other hand was panicking.

Knowing he was next, he seriously doubted he had gotten any of the questions right.

As he had written jokes for each one, not taking it seriously in the slightest.

He deeply regretted that now.

Plus he'd be interacting with the number one hero.

He expected to make a complete fool of himself.

When Mr. Midoriya approached him and examined his paper,

He began to laugh.

He pat Kaminari on his head and said,

"You're funny, I like it."

He released a sigh of relief, as Mr. Midoriya walked towards Mineta's desk.

He was absolutely flattered about the fact that he thought he was funny.

Mineta on the other hand was frantically searching for an eraser.


Well he had seen the question:

"Who is your favorite hero? Why?"

He had written:

"Mt. Lady, Her body duh."

(He wrote explicit things)

Needless to say he was shitting bricks.

Before he could touch the eraser, Mr. Midoriya had already grabbed his test and was examining it closely.

Mineta's heart was going a mile a minute, and he kept his gaze on his desk. Praying to god he wouldn't see it.

Unfortunately he did.

"Mt. Lady is a very close friend of mine. This is not appropriate at all. It's degrading towards women and disgusting. You had the nerve to write this down? Keep your weird fetishes to yourself you pathetic perverted midget."

The class stifled their laughs and shock.

"You shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a woman, do you understand? I'll make sure you have no contact with anyone of the opposite gender for the rest of your life, got that?"

Mineta had a surprised look on his face. Deku seemed to notice because he then said,

"Don't look so surprised, you wouldn't have gotten laid either way."

(Damn deku, way to point out the obvious XD)

At this point everybody was dying of laughter.

He turned to the classroom and said,

"Girls, let me know if he does anything alright? I'll take care of it, or you can take matters into your own hands, you have my permission."

The girls nodded without hesitation and sent death glares towards Mineta.

Mr. Midoriya began to make his way back to his desk and mid-way he spoke,

"You failed by the way."

Another 5 minutes passed and all tests

had been finished and graded. "All right class, we are going outside."

"I want to see how your quirks work exactly, in order for me to know what type of training you'll be put under."

Everybody lines up, except lida who was ironically scolding everyone for not being in line.

"Hey, you might be my best friend's little brother but please get in line."

lida was embarrassed and quickly made his way to the back of the line.

They headed outdoors.

And now was the fun part.

The part they all looked forward to.

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