Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV:
The following week was weird.

Katsuki avoided Mr. Midoriya out of embarrassment, and Deku felt lonely.

Without Katsuki's rude remarks, sudden outbursts or flirtatious gazes, Mr. Midoriya found himself not looking forward to teaching. That was something he thought wasn't possible.

The other students noticed as well.

Mr. Midoriya wasn't as motivated to teach and Katsuki wasn't as loud.

Of course they had no clue this was because of the fact that Katsuki got rejected, instead they thought they just had a bad week.

Todoroki also noticed and took it as an opportunity to 'warm up' to Mr. Midoriya but that didn't happen much to Katsuki's enjoyment.

In the end Mr. Midoriya realized he had made a mistake.

Izuku POV:
I like him. He likes me.

So why the f*ck did I reject him?!

And why did I do it in the meanest way possible?!

Now he's avoiding me due to embarrassment. And I definitely blew my chances with him.

Shit. I need to make it up to him.

-Time skip to Monday-

3rd Person POV:
Mr. Midoriya used that weekend to think of ways to make it up to Katsuki. He had no luck considering the fact that he knew almost nothing about his student. So he figured an old fashioned apology after school would do the trick.

They were in the last class of the day and Mr. Midoriya was nervous. There was about 10 minutes left so he recited his apology a few times.

Meanwhile his students were finishing up on their assignment. They had split up into groups and were not so discreetly relying on the one smartest person in the group for the answers.

Well that was only some of them. For example lida, Kaminari and Mina were all in one group.... I think you know how that went.

Katsuki was in a group with Kirishima and Todoroki. Since Todoroki and Katsuki were mortal enemies and currently in a competition to win Mr. Midoriya, things were a bit tense.

Kirishima also had a secret crush on Mr. Midoriya, but he wasn't gay.......definitely. Sure he thought his male teacher was cute but he also found Kaminari cute.

And SURE he thought about kissing and dating Kaminari, and MAYBE when they slept over at each other's dorms he hoped they would lead somewhere 18+

But that's just them being bro's........ Right?

(Oh you poor innocent child)

Ignoring this KiriKami shit show, they were all finishing up the assignment and working diligently.

Katsuki in particular kept stealing glances at Mr. Midoriya.

He noticed Mr. Midoriya seemed nervous and he couldn't help but think he looked cute.


Todoroki thought so as well, so when he noticed he wasn't the only one enjoying the view he grew a bit agitated.

Kirishima sitting less than a foot away from this madness also noticed and decided he should tell a joke to diffuse the situation.

"So......You both checkin' out the teacher? I don't blame ya' he's-"

"What the fuck Shitty Hair?! Fuck no."

"By 'Fuck no' you are implying you are not interested. Therefore I have-" todoroki tried saying

"Who said I wasn't interested?!" katsuki said.

"So you are?-" kirishima tried asking.

"Are you?" Todoroki asked.

"I don't have to tell you idiots." Katsuki scoffed.

"So you do!?" Kirishima said.

"", katsuki lied.

"Not like you had a chance either way-" todoroki said.

"THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ICY-HOT?! AS IF YOU HAD A CHANCE!" Katsuki said with a scowl.

"So you do like him-" todoroki concluded.



Mr. Midoriya's voice boomed through the room silencing everyone in it. They had never seen him this mad before, besides the Mineta incident.

But that was driven out of disgust rather than anger or annoyance. He had been stressed over his apology and the disruption they were causing was annoying. So in the end he snapped.

But this was a good excuse to get Katsuki to stay after school.

"Katsuki. Stay after class. We need to talk."

This incited a bundle of murmurs throughout the classroom. Todoroki was enjoying this, he was stifling his laughter which only made Katsuki grow even angrier. This obviously amused Todoroki and he was having a grand time, not for long though.

"Todoroki. Detention."

His laughter stopped and Katsuki's began. Along with the rest of the class.

Todoroki's hurt and surprised expression amused Mr. Midoriya, Katsuki's laughter made him happy.

The bell rang much to Mr. Midoriyas relief, Katsuki only grew more anxious.

The last time he had stayed after school he had been humiliated, so he wasn't looking forward to this at all.

Katsuki collected his things and stood in front of Mr. Midoriya's desk awaiting his lecture. Mr. Midoriya grew confused when Todoroki still hadn't left.

"Todoroki. Why are you still here?"

"Detention" todoroki answered.

"Right. Just stay tomorrow ok? I have to speak with Katsuki."

Katsuki felt his heart flutter at the sound of his voice speaking his name. Todoroki nodded and left the room reluctantly, he wasn't too excited about leaving his crush with his rival alone in one room.

But Katsuki was just going to get lectured for his outburst.

For sure. Totally.


He left the room and when the door shut Mr. Midoriya sighed and began to speak,

"Katsuki I made you stay to-"

"To lead me on and humiliate me again?" Katsuki asked.

"No. I wanted to apologize." Deku answered.

"...Keep talking." Katsuki said.

"You were flirting with me and I flirted back. That was unprofessional and wrong. I apologize."

"This led you to attempt to......kiss me. And played along. That was wrong and extremely disgusting on my part. I then rejected you and humiliated you."

"I was an absolute asshole and what I did was degrading and unacceptable."

Katsuki was going to forgive him but Mr. Midoriya kept rambling.

"I do not expect to be forgiven. And I am so sorry. I just- *sigh* I like played along because I genuinely wanted to....then messed it all up by doing....that."

Katsuki registered the words he just heard and his heart burst in happiness. Though he stayed quiet due to his state of shock.

Katsuki POV:
I'm mad at him for doing that but....... he likes me back!

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