Chapter 1

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----------- Sabre's POV ----------------

Rainbow Steve shoved his shoulder, laughing. 

Sabre flashed him a cheeky smile. Time Steve and Elemental Steve were chatting beside him, glancing at Rainbow Steve and Sabre every now and then. 

Suddenly, there was a loud thump and part of the Rainbow Hub's wall collapsed. Rainbow Steve shrieked with surprise and ran towards it.

Bad idea, but okay. Sabre ran after him, hearing footsteps behind him which confirmed Time Steve and Elemental Steve were following them.

Rainbow Steve suddenly stopped and backed up. Sabre stopped behind him and drew out a iron sword.

Void Steve was standing next to the piece of the Rainbow Hub wall, a few figures of Darkness standing almost directly behind him.

"What do you want, Void Steve?" Sabre growled, pointing the sword at the grey-dressed Steve.

"Nothing, nothing...I just want the Rainbow Hub....gone." Void Steve chuckled. Rainbow Steve took a shaky step forward.

"W-we're not letting you do that!" He yelled, glaring at Void Steve. Void Steve started laughing hysterically.

Once he calmed down, he turned away and glanced at us of his shoulder. "Good luck." Void Steve disappeared.

Out of nowhere, the Rainbow Hub started to cave in, falling to pieces around them. 

"What's happening?!" Time Steve panicked voice chimed in behind Sabre. 

"I don't know, just run!" Elemental Steve grabbed Time Steve and ran, quickly followed by Rainbow Steve. 

Sabre took a step forward, but a low rumble stopped him in his tracks. A large shadow formed over the player, and Sabre looked up to see chunks of rocks falling towards him. 

"Sabre!" He heard Rainbow Steve screamed before the rocks landed on him and the world went black.

(Sorry it's short, I hope you enjoyed it!)

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now