Chapter 24

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- Sabre's POV -

If it wasn't for the spear pressing against his back, Sabre was sure that he would've fallen over in his shock.

"Wha--but---huh?" Sabre stammered.

"I am still the Captain of the Colourless Guard. But I am out in the field now." Light glanced down at his helmet, "I am just disguised as a regular Colourless Guard so it does not put a target on my back."

Sabre couldn't respond, he was still in such shock.
"What...happened." He eventually murmured.

Light stared at him, as if studying him and calculating what he should do.
"What do you last remember?" He asked.

"I remember falling asleep after visiting the Doctor." Sabre murmured.

Light's eyes widened slightly.
"That was over three months ago."

Sabre stared at Light, another ripple of shock shooting through him.
"Three months ago?! For me it felt like one day?!"

Light gave him a confused look.
"One day?" He echoed, "How does three months feel like one day to you?"

"I don't know! You tell me!" Sabre yelped.

Light glared at him, then sighed, still looking angry. "I went to visit you the day after Elemental did. You were acting strange and angry. I noticed you had Darkness on your arm and tried to get it off, but you attacked me." Light pointed to one of the larger scars on his face, and Sabre winced, "You broke out of the Doctor's hut, severely injuring me and the Doctor in your escape. You destroyed everything in your path, whether it was buildings or Steves."

Sabre stared down at the ground in shock. "I...I did...what?" He stammered.

"You really don't remember?" Light glanced at him.

"No! I wouldn't do that! The Darkness corrupted me, but I freed myself!" Sabre stepped forward, reaching towards Light.

Two of the Colourless Guards jumped forward and pointed spears at him, freezing Sabre in place.

Sabre glanced over the spears, where Light was. Light avoided his gaze, frowning down at the ground.

"Light! Please, you know me! I wouldn't hurt anyone!" Sabre called, and Light squeezed his eyes shut.

Light reached to his helmet he had thrown on the ground and placed it back over his head.
"You are under arrest for crimes against the Rainbow Kingdom. You may argue your case in court, but for now you're coming with me."

Sabre was instantly grabbed, both arms restrained even though one was useless and probably didn't need to be restrained.
Sabre instinctively started to kick and try to escape, but he stopped when he realised that it would just prove to them that he wasn't on their side.

With a heavy sigh, he let them drag him away to wherever this court was.

Sabre groaned, tugging at the moss beside him.
He was lying on the floor of a cell, which was cold, uncomfortable, and cramped.

The bars of his cell were the only warm things, but they were boiling because of the sun heating them up.

Sabre groaned again, rolling over to his side.

His eyes widened when he noticed someone was standing there.

Sabre scrambled to a sitting position, glancing up at who it was.

Immediately, he was extremely disappointed.

Shadow grinned down at him, although Sabre could see annoyance in his eyes.
"Did you really think you could completely get rid of me with one hit?" Shadow chuckled.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now