Chapter 14

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---Sabre's POV---

Darting from corner to corner, he kept an eye out for any Darkness.

The castle walls felt like they were closing in with every breath, reminding him of what had happened.

The incident still plagued him, even though it did give him a gift.'s still traumatising to technically die, though.

Sabre clenched his teeth together, narrowing his eyes under the blindfold. 

He had to focus on the here and now.
He was currently looking for Rainbow. There had been a few times when a Darkness figure passed him, but only two noticed him and Sabre had destroyed them before they could raise the alarm.

He flinched as he heard voices. They were coming from the other side of the wall he was currently creeping across. A few steps sideways, and there was a door. Sabre glanced around before leaning against the door to listen.

"There's been some reports of a disruption outside, sir." That sounded like Soul.
"Hm. Did any of the Darkness report who or what was causing this disturbance?" Sabre shivered as he recognised Void's cold voice, and he tried not to run.
"No, sir. Some did report that it may be Time Steve." Soul spoke softly, but had an edge of menace to his voice.
"Time Steve, you say?" Void asked, sounding a bit surprised.
"Yes, sir."
"Hmm. Strange. I know that he's...friends with Rainbow, but I thought he wouldn't be getting involved." Void then scoffed at the end, "Oh, well, another Steve to be crushed under my might. Come, Soul. We should deal with this...distraction."
"Oh. Of course, sir." Soul muttered as footsteps approached the door.

Sabre gasped quietly and quickly darted around the corner. He listened as the door opened then closed, and the two's footsteps leaving the area. When he couldn't hear them anymore, he carefully leaned over to glance down the hallway. It was empty, and chillingly silent.

Okay. Time to get Rainbow back. 


Sabre mentally groaned, throwing his head back and staring at the ceiling for a few seconds.

This place was a maze!!! 

He had been walking through this forsaken fortress for almost an hour, and he was sick of it!!

The floorboards behind him creaked, and Sabre whipped around and drew the sword he had fastened to his belt.

His eyes widened underneath the blindfold when he saw Rainbow.

Rainbow looked a bit surprised for a second, then he formed an icy glare.

Sabre ducked under a blast and had to dodge a few more.
Time and Light were supposed to capture him! And Galaxy was going to help lead Rainbow away from the fortress! So why is he still here?!

He gasped, Are they okay?! Were they captured or worse, corrupted?! This was my plan! If they're captured or corrupted then it's my fault! I hope they're okay!

Sabre yelped as another blast narrowly missed his head. But first I have to worry about myself!

He ran towards Rainbow, slicing the sword upwards and hitting Rainbow in the chin with the blunt side of the sword. Rainbow staggered back but quickly regained balance, leaping towards Sabre.

Sabre jumped backwards, carefully avoiding to put his back against walls. He couldn't be cornered, or that would become a dangerous situation.

He charged forward again, using his shoulder from his uninjured arm to slam into Rainbow's stomach.

Rainbow grunted, and reached forward to grab onto Sabre, but Sabre leapt backwards again. He then twisted his sword around and smacked Rainbow at the back of the knee. Rainbow's legs fell out from under him and soon Rainbow was on his hands and knees, glaring at Sabre.

"I'm sorry, Rainbow. I don't want to fight you." Sabre muttered sadly, staring into Rainbow's eyes, hoping for a slight hint that Rainbow recognised him through the Darkness.

Rainbow blinked slowly, sighing as he got up into a crouch. "Alright. The hard way it is, old friend."

Sabre stepped back in surprise as Rainbow darted forward, slamming into Sabre and knocking him backwards.

Sabre gasped and dodged a punch to the head, lifting his sword up to block a sucker punch to the gut.

He folded backwards to dodge a kick but couldn't stand up properly in time to avoid Rainbow shoving him to the ground.

The sword clattered out of his grip and landed near Rainbow's foot. Rainbow gently stepped on it, smirking down at Sabre.

Sabre stared up at him in pure terror. He knew that Rainbow couldn't see his eyes, but he knew that Rainbow could see Sabre's fear without it.

Sabre expected Rainbow to taunt him because of this fear, but then Rainbow's eyes softened.

"Sabre?" Rainbow asked, sounding confused. 

This was the true Rainbow! Not the Darkness!

"Rainbow!" Sabre smiled. Rainbow glanced around, seeming to recognise his surroundings.

Rainbow helped Sabre up and gave him his sword. "You have to get out of here, now." Rainbow stepped forward, looking concerned.

"What? Why? We need to get out of here." Sabre questioned, worry that his friend would pull one of those classic 'corrupted-hero sacrificing themselves for friends' plays making his stomach ache.

"You have to leave me behind. I don't want to hurt you." Sabre could see that Rainbow was scared and sad, seemingly not wanting to truly do this, so he argued.

"No! I can't leave you behind! You're my best friend! I don't care if I risk my life to help you." Sabre stepped forward, reaching his uninjured hand out to Rainbow.

Rainbow stared at his hand for a second, then turned away. "You know that I would love to. But I can't. I'd hurt so many, not just you, but I worry for you the most."

Sabre stared at him in dismay. "Rainbow..."

"I'm sorry, Sabre. But you and anyone else who might be here must go." Rainbow smiled at him sadly. He looked like he was about to cry, and Sabre was about to cry too.

"Please, Rainbow." Sabre's voice shook.

"Again, I'm sorry." Rainbow was quiet, but his point had gone across. He turned and left, leaving Sabre to stand....

...and watch his best friend leave for good.


Hi everyone! 

This is a short one, but hopefully it's sad haha
I like to make my readers suffer haha >:D /j

But anyway, hopefully I didn't make you suffer too much and I hope you have a good day/night!!

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now