Chapter 16

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---Time's POV---

Sabre sighed with a small laugh behind it, glancing at Light, Elemental and Galaxy who were all standing around Sabre and Time. "Well, you might need to sit down for this..."

Elemental hopped down next to Time. Galaxy walked over and sat behind Time and Elemental.
Light sat next to Sabre.

Sabre took a deep breath and launched into a story/explanation.
"So, turns out that I do have powers. I had forgotten them ages ago, when I first met Memory. Not when I dealt with him in the Yellow Kingdom, I actually had met him earlier, before I met any of you. Corrections, before any of you were created."

Galaxy stared at Sabre, looking shocked.

"You existed before even Galaxy was created? But that was ages ago!" Light exclaimed.

"Yep! And if that comes as a shock to you all, you can't imagine what comes next!" Sabre grinned, for some reason loving the suspense he was creating.

Galaxy's eyes widened, as if remembering something.

Sabre grinned at him, then continued.
"Origin isn't the Creator of the World, and he was created just like all the other Steves he created.
I created the world, and Origin."

There was stunned silence before Elemental screamed.

"What?!?!?" Elemental leapt to his feet, clutching his head with wide eyes.

Time sat there, mouth dropped open.
Galaxy stared at the ground, looking like he was processing his entire life.
Light was blinking at Sabre, as if he needed Sabre to repeat what he said.

Sabre chuckled at their reactions.

"That's why you had wings and also revived after being killed!" Time gasped.

"Yeah, that's correct!" Sabre grinned.

"Wait, wings?" Elemental asked, sounding very confused.

"Oh, yeah. Only Time saw those." Sabre spoke as he summoned his wings, stretching them out.

Light ducked under one, and the other one couldn't stretch out to its full length because it would've collided with a nearby pillar.

"Whoa." All of the Steves gasped.
"I saw your wings, but they were folded. I didn't realise how long they were." Time murmured.

Sabre laughed. "They are quite long." They were about 2x the length of his arms, he realised as he folded them back in.

" have powers? Is it only fireballs or are there others?" Galaxy asked, shuffling in his seating position.

"There are other powers. Well, could I create a world and Origin with only fireballs?" Sabre chuckled and got a laugh from the group.

Sabre twitched his wings and then frowned.
"Uhm...what do we do about Rainbow?" Sabre asked awkwardly, not wanting to bring down the mood but they needed to talk about it.

Everyone went silent.
They all looked guilty and sad.

"We should figure that out tomorrow. It's getting late." Light stood up with a tired and sad sigh.

The group nodded, remembering that the sun was setting and that they were tired from the mission.

They all headed off to their houses to sleep. Sabre didn't feel like sleeping, and wasn't even sure if he could sleep after what had happened.

But he eventually fell asleep, mainly from exhaustion but he also was going to train with Other Sabre.

Instead of instantly going to train with Other Sabre, memories and false scenarios haunted him.
It was mostly about Rainbow and Void.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now